IRC PS channel

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IRC PS channel

Postby mem » Fri Aug 17, 2007 16:14

Well, some times ago Prime-Squadron already had an IRC channel @Quakenet, but i guess it wasn't much used so it disappeared.. nvm, here comes a new one, let's hope it will have a long and nice life ! :P

first of all, what is IRC ? if you already know you can ignore the following lines and go check the links, if you don't know...

Wikipedia wrote:Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a form of real-time Internet chat or synchronous conferencing. It is mainly designed for group (many-to-many) communication in discussion forums called channels, but also allows one-to-one communication and data transfers via private message.

you can connect to the PS channel by using an IRC client (such as mIRC or Chatzilla) or by using an IRC applet.

Connect by applet :

just click here, choose a nickname and press 'Connect'.. that's all, really :P

Connect by IRC client :

if you use Firefox, you can use Chatzilla (Cz) as client. you just need to install the Cz module : follow this link with your firefox and click on the install link. restart your browser, that's all !

if you use IE instead of Firefox, stop being noob and download it here :P
nah, do as you want, but Firefox is really more powerfull, stable, safe, customizable, etc etc..
well, ok, as you want, keep your IE, nvm^^
since you use another web-browser than Firefox you can connect to PS channel with mIRC, but isn't a free software so as you want.. you can also check the link about IRC clients i gave above to find a free client, but the most used are Chatzilla and mIRC.

i don't have lot of time atm so i just give you some links for help about Cz and mIRC, i'll make some tutorial a.s.a.p...
mIRC tutorial
Chatzilla FAQ
list of IRC commands

if you already have an IRC client installed, you can click the link below to join the channel

you can also see who's online here and check some channel stats here..

p.s: please keep this topic clean

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