noquarter 1.2.1.

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noquarter 1.2.1.

Postby molotov » Sun Mar 29, 2009 22:35

Hi, this version only for linux based servers, but work with all client (win, linux, mac)!

- full PunkBuster compatible (run on the reference server since november 2008.)
- Omni-bot 071 compatible
- new NQ features (much better than 1.2.0 and only 3 weeks younger as the 1.2.3. version)

the NQ 1.2.1 server files + full documentation
- with 1.2.1 assets: *Snap*
- with 1.2.3 assets: *Snap*

referenc server: *Snap*

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Postby Buu » Sun Mar 29, 2009 22:37

we have already Nq 1.2.3 on 2 servers and why u created 2 topics here and at PS 5 discuss topic?

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Postby soulblade » Sun Mar 29, 2009 23:43

I think the reason is NQ 1.2.3 doesn't support PB (that's why our PB enabled servers still run the NQ 1.2.0).

Hi :)

Firstable, thanks for noticing us this PB-supporting "update". I got one question tho... As far as i remember I've read somewhere on ShitStorm forums (edit : HERE that the NQ 1.2.1 was a test release.

So :
- Is this a stable or still the test version ?
- Is it a modified homemade version of the original unreleased 1.2.1 test version ? or something the SS team unofficially released for PB servers to fill the gap between 1.2.0 (PB support) and 1.2.3 (no PB support) ?
- Why can't I find any "official" topic about it on SS forums ?

I can see with your last link that |>B<| already runs a NQ 1.2.1 server but wanna be sure it's the same you're providing us.

I think you're the Molotov guy from ShitStorm forums so according to your activity there I think I can trust you on that (unofficial) release but still, wanna be sure of what I'm maybe gonna install on PS2. :wink:

Best regards.

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Postby warren-the-ape » Mon Mar 30, 2009 19:39

I removed the links, as this test version (nightly built) isn't supported by the NQ dev team (at ShitStorm).

According to Irata (NQ devver) this version was never supposed to be released in public and for testing purposes only.
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