SK with grenade

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SK with grenade

Postby gorkamorka » Thu Jan 18, 2007 23:02

hi PS comunity,

can we say that grenade attack when we capturing the flag is SK, especially if you run like a kamikaze on the flag and launch a fresh nicy grenade on it ?

the result is
- the kamikaze die ...
- and many defensers die with the grenade ...
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Postby mem » Thu Jan 18, 2007 23:50

SK rules are very simple :

-permanent spawn : heavy weapons or knife, it's same, no sk, in anyway (all spawn points in goldrush, all exept flags on minas tirith, etc...)

-capturable spawn (flags, command posts) : light weapons allowed but no heavy weapons, and you need to justify your sk by capture(ing ?^^) the spawn point (that mean : no medic alone doing sk around a command post)

so, if you go for the flag with a nade in hand : no sk, just a nice death :twisted:

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