Doublejumping & trickjumping

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Doublejumping & trickjumping

Postby Frodo » Sun Jan 21, 2007 23:21

Today some people was doing trickjumping (????) at the map oasis. I did "this" too. This moment looks like this: I was engi, somebody was standing at back of guns ( near big gate), then i jumped on him and put a dynamite. On next map i hear: "It isn't allowed!". I always was thinking doublejumping & trickjumping for objective is for example on oasis, jumping over the Old city wall before destroying it and doing main objective. Before me & friend, this "rulebreaking" doing other ppl ( i don't say who it was because i don't want to do, 2 of them was admins and i didn't hear it isn't allowed so) and everybody was happy.

BTW why on PS#2 are only TWO maps? :>

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Postby CrossYard » Mon Jan 22, 2007 0:22


Forbidden Server Behaviour

* No farming or XP whoring. Standing around only handing out ammo or medicpacks is considered farming/whoring.
* Don’t block doorways or paths on purpose.
* Don’t push your teammates, for example; when they are sniping, mortaring, using a mg. Pushing your teammates of high ledges is also forbidden. Pushing is ONLY allowed when a teammate is blocking a doorway or path (see the point above).
* Don’t defuse or activate landmines you haven’t placed yourself.
* Don’t steal an enemy’s uniform if another Covert Ops from your team killed that enemy.
* Don’t trickplant or use your teammates as a step to plant dynamite, for example; planting dynamite from the outside at the oasis map.
* Don’t use map bugs or exploits, for example; the watertower bug in the railgun map.
* Don’t use trickjumps or doublejumps to complete an objective, for example; jumping over the wall at fuel dump to blow it up and complete the objective.

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Postby Frodo » Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:07

Gut, rulebook changed :) I was reading it week ago so.

Posts: 947
Joined: Fri Apr 28, 2006 0:00

Postby CrossYard » Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:11

well you didnt read it properly than. those rules almost exist since PS was born.

no more discussion!
except your mistake and keep it clean from now on!

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