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Do you want some funny stuff on PS 4 ??

Poll ended at Wed Feb 21, 2007 3:53

Yes, I do very much
Its no matter to me (too late hour)
No, hell no !
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Postby Gangstar » Sun Feb 11, 2007 3:53

At late hours on PS4 is only few people so its no sens to play normal obj. game so players invent new games like "granate football" :P So i think we shoult take instance from PS 5 and do a Panzer Party :twisted: or some other stuff like that to make Ps 4 more atractive at night.

Someone can say : So if Panzer Party is on PS 5 you can go play there. :!:
But not all players want to go on PS 5 (i like that server so for me its no problem) becouse they dont like players or admins there.
This idea will work if on PS 4 will have much more high admins than now
(specialy all time online admins).
I know that dont re to all players only that stays online day and night (like sometimes me) but i think that could help PS 4 to get some new players.

But there is a problem. :x
I havent see Landser on PS 4 in a very long time. Where are you dude ?? :)

Vote and post what do you think about it.

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Postby Maserman » Sun Feb 11, 2007 10:55

I can say only 2 words: GREAT IDEA! With PanzerWar (Panzer Party) or KnifeWar is a lot on fun :) I played bout year agon on this kind of serv. Sb called vote: panzerwar? If vote passed, admin do panzerwar, inverted color, lower gravity:P I liked this server... but it went down... It good idea,
It can be like on my favorite(dawn) sevrer: poll->passed->admins make it :D

great idea great idea great idea!!! :wink:

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Postby __Mr-Unknown__ » Sun Feb 11, 2007 11:47

voted yes.....
i think we need more admins on that server
i like the server a lot, but im not playing there so often as before because there are too less players & the maps getting borrrrring after playing 1001 times. I asked lands to change map, he putted 2 new map but i don't like them. And why not update to marrakech streets2 or caen 2 and put a small very nice map in, the players will learn the obj!!

and about gangsters idea ^^
i like it but i think there are not enough admins on ps4 :S
and if attrack ppl at night for party etc.
but where they are on daylight??
i should give it a try
if you can reach landser ^^

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Postby MasterGos » Sun Feb 11, 2007 13:24


I play that often on PS5 and sniperware with instatngib.... It is very funy ^^ Nice idea but __Mr-Unknown__ have right NO OWNER/ADMIN NO PF PARTY...

All admins playing on PS1 :[ Only DonArn! playing very often on PS4 but his lvl is very low...


PS 4 + 1 is my Home :)))

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Postby Gangstar » Sun Feb 11, 2007 13:45

Im happy that you guys agree with me.

Unknownyoure right. Ps 4 dont have high admins and maps are still the same. But even this cant stop us from playing ther. Confirmation
for absence of admins can be me. Im playing on Ps 4 almost every day
starts from September with Don Arni. He is now lowa admin ;/ and Im stuck on 3rd admintest lvl. Thats no problem for me but to others can be.
But I thik we have biger problem. Landsers absence :(
If he dosnt agree with us the idea will not work. But if he agree i have clue. I dont know it is pasible but if it is we can put panzer party to vote and console will load it automatically so the high admins don have to be present.

!beer all

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Postby Mobius » Sun Feb 11, 2007 13:52

Uhm..yea it sounds nice to me.

Only i am not a big fan of ps4, but i can come and visit some times.
And those partys sounds nice to me :)

Greetz. Mobius^

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Postby Gangstar » Mon Feb 12, 2007 3:21

I see that forum is full of not important new posts so I write this to active the topic becouse PS 4 players want to know what will be with our server :)

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