I got banned???WHY?

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I got banned???WHY?

Postby nhano » Sun Feb 04, 2007 14:46


far away in time I played a little in PS#2
then I passed to PS#1 because I liked more with frendly-fire
yesterday they ban me because... I have the same IP as other player that did SK... and, is not the first time I have to ask for unbanme without reason, so, I pass to this fabulous server for playing for fun, I remember here the SK is forbidden but totally permitted

I start with a battery in Allies where I died sometimes in the spawn, (sometimes, 2, 3 4... with monsterkill, not an accident), so, here is not so punished the SK

but after, in the next map, I was playing "rambo-medic" in a new map for me, and IS POSSIBLE i get lost myself and appear rear the spawn, I killed PS-Monster that was alone and still, because I was going to follow the others to kill them a little after the spawn

Is it forbidden too to do this? isn't a job of the attacking team to cover their backwards????

I'm sorry, I did AFK with Monster when I did know the meaning and that It was forbidden
I've just speaked with someone that has explained me what happened, I'm really sorry
I don't use to do this, I did to continue playing without ps-monster in my backwards... (it's comprensible...CONTINUE playing :P)

u_u so many times an admin killed me from behind because he was indisguised or something... I can't???

"venga va..." ¬¬ I've banned for this??

or you banned OMEGA.renfire because his name was OMEGA.adminkiller and the divine justice falls on me O_o ???

I'm beggining to think in PS the mean of age is 15 years and the admins ban who disturb them... or this or I'm wrong and I have very very bad luck

sorry u_u

2 bans in a morning... "they take me out of my cells"

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Postby CrossYard » Mon Feb 05, 2007 0:05

or you banned OMEGA.renfire because his name was OMEGA.adminkiller and the divine justice falls on me O_o ???

I'm beggining to think in PS the mean of age is 15 years and the admins ban who disturb them... or this or I'm wrong and I have very very bad luck

no we didnt ban OMEGA.renfire just for his name. we banned him because he just doesnt know how to behave in anyway. even after warning him, he keeps on f*cking around. he does pemanent SK, he pushes snipers down from their hiding place and has absolutly no respect for players or admins.

if you do a mistake once and learns because you get warned, then things are ok. but this guy is a pain in the arse. the ban stays and I hope not to see this guy in our community anymore!!!

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Postby nhano » Mon Feb 05, 2007 0:19

and I supose as in PS#1, the ban stills for me??

but.. renfire isn't banned in PS#2 and me yes, and this post is for me...

I'm asking for my ban

I'm not agree with your acusations to renfire, he plays well I think, possibly not as you and some mistakes but, what do you understand for "not respect to admins"?

eeh... uuh... are you, PS-ycho, my banner? or not? I think not...
Last edited by nhano on Mon Feb 05, 2007 0:23, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby renfire » Mon Feb 05, 2007 0:21

Permanent spwan killing?
Pushing players?
What kind of lies are those?

Please, Deadhunter & Bowdown, explain to your partners what's the matter. I'm banned, but not for these reasons.

You are putting on me fault that I didn't. Of course, I don't expect any explanation, but please, don't post lies.

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Postby CrossYard » Mon Feb 05, 2007 0:58

monster and I where on the server this day. I used to be owner of PS2 and monster still is. I dont think there needs no explanation from anyone else what OMEGA did. we are both in the PS community since it started and we dont suck ourself a ban out of our thumbs just for fun.

I dont know if you are banned nanho, at least I didnt ban you. I will check the banlist tomorow. but I defenatly know OMEGA stays banned!

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Postby nhano » Mon Feb 05, 2007 1:27

OMEGA is a building of our university ^^
my nick also prefixes with "OMEGA."

renfire is banned from PS#2? I didn't know
he wasn't playing when I became banned in PS#2

I think you're a little wrong about renfire's intentions and plans
can this cause his purse extends to me?

I think I killed Monster in "AFK" and probably after killed you by the backwars
I said sorry upper

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Postby CrossYard » Mon Feb 05, 2007 1:46

ok well then I dont know wich OMEGA of you got banned. I just know that one of you did get banned and it was absolutly correct.
can it be that you guys have the same IP. well if it is that way you can thank one of you guys that played on PS2 on that day. if you do not have the same IP and you got banned it was done for a good reason.

and if you or OMEGA or whatever is banned on PS1 too, than there must be a real good reason. something must be realy wrong with you or OMEGA´s playing and you must admit that!

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Postby warren-the-ape » Mon Feb 05, 2007 14:21

Nhano is banned for SK on PS2 not renfire.

Same story as with PS1; if another player uses the same IP he got banned as well,
its a limitation of ET NOT 'admin abuse' or easy admin as you like to call it.

Code: Select all
name    = OMEGA.nhano
guid    = *
ip      = *
reason  = sk
made    = 02/04/07 13:25:34
expires = 0
banner  = -|PS|- Monster
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Postby CrossYard » Mon Feb 05, 2007 14:37

ok I guess the discussion is over know and we should /lock it

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Postby nhano » Tue Feb 06, 2007 0:21

psycho, you wanna lock this thread? why??
Monster hasn't answered yet, better wait for his reply not?


no we didnt ban OMEGA.renfire just for his name. we banned him because he just doesnt know how to behave in anyway. even after warning him, he keeps on f*cking around. he does pemanent SK, he pushes snipers down from their hiding place and has absolutly no respect for players or admins.

ok, we've arrived the conclusion that you said this for the one who was playing in PS#2 last saturday morning
this one was me, and is not really like this what happens, this is blaming me, possibly, out of order

I explain: Saturday I was ill, 38.5º, and it was the third day consecutive, so, I couldn't wait more and entered play, of course, out of conditions
And yes, now I remember, I pushed ONE guy (sorry :oops: ) triying to jump and crouch at the same time, I have new buttons in the mouse and I confused with earlier configuration, possibly, don't remember very well, I was ill... u_U

"keep fu_cking around?" whats this? say me what is please, and I won't do even more

permanent SK? really?? is not my style, if I know the spawn, and the only one I remember I killed near the spawn is monster and was AFK, I've already explained this
possibly there is another spawn I don't know/remember, the map is too big and I've played it only on parts, I get lost very easy on this map...

I think your conclusion of my game isn't sufficiently based, only in 10 minutes of possibly bad game, I insist, not intentioned, and not so bad as you explain there...

please ask more people who has played with me if this occurs often for marking this ban as "PERMANENT". I think it's influenced badly by the actual situation with OMEGA.renfire and further confusions

without forgotting the ban is Monster's and I think he is who has to take a veredict

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Postby NinjaPirate » Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:04

PS#2 Guys, you should really record some demos before you ban a player! This means you have evidence incase the banned player posts here and says you are lieing, f12 to start a demo, then /stoprecord in console to stop the demo. Even a little short demo can save your ass sometimes ;) trust me :D

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Postby phonix » Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:37

lol monster baned him, so really he doesnt need a demo because its his owns the server :lol: . but i was there when he was rule breaking (spawn killing), so its two eye witnesses enough evidence?? :)

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Postby nhano » Fri Feb 09, 2007 12:20

here is going to post all the comunity except the banner, everybody thinks his subjective opinion is more important and it is so important to say it, and nobody will read my explanation... u_U

ok, play at YOUR server friendly people :)

in the school the use to did this so, say what they want and "the ball is mine, you don't play", specially under 6th...

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