Campaign maybe?

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Campaign maybe?

Postby mnichPL » Sat Nov 24, 2007 1:53

Well, I have a proposition. I play on etpro servers only for a longer time, I have my own etpro server also and I must say that etpro servers, on which there were playing many (5v5 and more) players, were/are set in campaign mode. Moreover, campaign was/is made with 6 default maps: oasis, railgun, battery, fueldump, goldrush, radar. XPsave makes server more attractive to users, they are happy when they achieve class levels (like admin levels on etpub or nq). We all know xpsave in etpro is possible only in campaign mode. What do you think about setting ps6 in campaign mode? Maybe this would make the server attractive? Ofc ps6 will be empty until someone will connect to it (Mem has right in another post: when someone connects, especially ref/admin, more ppl come quickly). Dear owners (Lisa & Mem) and PS, what do you think about it?

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Postby vanduyvesteijn » Fri Nov 30, 2007 21:17

I agree, but i dont know if its right to turn ps6 server in proserver?

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Re: Yep

Postby Sebbel » Sat Dec 01, 2007 0:49

vanduyvesteijn wrote:I agree, but i dont know if its right to turn ps6 server in proserver?

its already
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Postby mnichPL » Mon Dec 17, 2007 0:25

And as a proof I want to add one thing. My own etpro server was empty at start. Now after about 4 months when number of unique visits on server's website achieved more than 20 000, I have to add some slots, cause 18+2 is too less. F.e. server was full from thursday to now mainly all the time. Campaign - 6 official maps 8) Try this :)
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Postby Spyhawk » Mon Dec 17, 2007 17:36

Yep I agree, a ETPro campaign server could be really cool. We have lot of NQ server, and only an etpub. Why not a ETpro ?

TJ is fun, but there is only a few player on it (most of time PS6 is empty). Why not just a week to try campaign mode ?

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Postby fUnner » Mon Dec 17, 2007 19:47

you can already play a campaign with stopwatch mode. Just an admin has to change it with a cmd at the server... but there a no people that a change makes sense :( Most players come to the server for tj(and that's only a few palyers :/).
so when you change to campaign players will make a post to change to tj .P

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