/!\ Even TEAMS !!! /!\

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Postby deep » Mon Jun 14, 2010 14:06

ppl get their happiness and fun out of different ways of playing, some just frag or chat, or plant mines and w8 :D and so on. sometimes there are only few who'd like to go for obj. so in those cases many ppl simply dont care how even the teams are.

"We try to push this on you players to teach you to even the teams" - i agree with that, but i also think, its the only thing u can and should do.

what i write is my opinion, u dont have to agree with me. lets take it to pm, ya?

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Postby Smadje » Mon Jun 14, 2010 15:53

I don't agree with you ammz.

On a server like PS#1 where there are most off time much players online we should consider a difference from 2 players as uneven. In my opinon this is one off the reasons that team choosing is only possible at the team with less, or equal players.

We can discuss hours who has to even up, but I think everyone knows that this duty is for everyone who wants a fair game, usually members even up since they represent this community and show the good example, this hower NOT says they are the one to blame when teams stay uneven.

@ Red0x
I don't really get your forum behaviour here mate, I always liked to play with you and saw your always acting ok, also from you we don't espect to even up always, or act 24/7 like an angel, but a bit more respect for a community that works out great for many years would be pleasant :)

Can't we just lock this topic up? In my opinion we are only confirming an existing situation that is happening in every community. bweh

Smad out
quoting deep:
henksmadje please read topic more carefully and other topics too where u reply, then u get the point and dont have to make stupid posts.

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Postby Shenkyen » Mon Jun 14, 2010 18:42

One more idea about auto-shuffle, i'm almost sure it's doable :

Teams are uneven, a bot (the server maybe ?) sayd "Even teams plz before a shuffle (or random !put ?)" with a countdown of 30s. (displays like 30s until shuffle, 20s until shuffle, 10s until shuffle, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Shuffle ! (or ramdom !put)

I think I have ever seen this before on a server, I don't remember the team or mod, but I'm almost sure it exists. It maybe worst something to try it.

If I find this on the web, will the admins install it on the servers ? (I wonder only to know if I start looking for this).

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Postby GokuSan » Mon Jun 14, 2010 19:37

Hey Ammz,
I kinda agree with you and by that I made a remark yesterday on that point, and Evil told me it's a weird way to think for someone that wants to be a member..

So yea, I guess we're the only ones who think that way.. ^^
(yeye were the coolest 8) )

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Postby Evil » Mon Jun 14, 2010 21:06

GokuSan wrote:Hey Ammz,
I kinda agree with you and by that I made a remark yesterday on that point, and Evil told me it's a weird way to think for someone that wants to be a member..

So yea, I guess we're the only ones who think that way.. ^^
(yeye were the coolest 8) )

8O :roll:
Shenkyen wrote:One more idea about auto-shuffle, i'm almost sure it's doable :

Teams are uneven, a bot (the server maybe ?) sayd "Even teams plz before a shuffle (or random !put ?)" with a countdown of 30s. (displays like 30s until shuffle, 20s until shuffle, 10s until shuffle, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Shuffle ! (or ramdom !put)

I think I have ever seen this before on a server, I don't remember the team or mod, but I'm almost sure it exists. It maybe worst something to try it.

If I find this on the web, will the admins install it on the servers ? (I wonder only to know if I start looking for this).

well thats posible with etadmin_mod if iam correct.
and indeed should be doable.
but i think as in each day we got admins arround who also care about that issue.
and yea we cant be always arround ofcause.
but to installing etadmin_mod and shuffle team during matches... i dont know i just think it aint gonna work out as the idea is great ofcause ;)

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Postby deep » Mon Jun 14, 2010 21:13

Shenkyen wrote:One more idea about auto-shuffle, i'm almost sure it's doable :

Teams are uneven, a bot (the server maybe ?) sayd "Even teams plz before a shuffle (or random !put ?)" with a countdown of 30s. (displays like 30s until shuffle, 20s until shuffle, 10s until shuffle, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Shuffle ! (or ramdom !put)

I think I have ever seen this before on a server, I don't remember the team or mod, but I'm almost sure it exists. It maybe worst something to try it.

If I find this on the web, will the admins install it on the servers ? (I wonder only to know if I start looking for this).

ofc its not gonna work. just read ammz last reply.

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Postby Dre_of_chaos » Tue Jun 15, 2010 8:13

there is no such thing as auto-shuffle in et_admin, in et_admin there is autoteambalancer, which does as the name suggests
if its 14-16 its puts 1 random player in the other team

this would imo fix this pointless debate but ofcourse, its easy for me to say that when i dont manage the server and it aint my responsibility ^^

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Postby Keeks » Tue Jun 15, 2010 14:50

Please DONT introduce any auto balancer. It wont make game any better, as I fully agree with Ammz. Its always nice to have teams balanced in number of players and their skills, but forcing only one of those can result in one-sided game...


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