Topic you have to read

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Topic you have to read

Postby xochi » Sat Aug 25, 2012 14:34

Hello dear PS players, members, admins and High admins.
I think some of you might know me a bit :D, but now I am a bit more serious about following subject. I have been doing some research and talking to people and have found out some things that might be changed if possible to the PS system how it is atm.Before PS was a lovely place well it still is but some things have to be changed if possible.

First of all I want to say Yes i am a direct person and if you get offended by some of these things well I am sorry but this is how it is.

These are the things:
1. If its possible to merge PS1/PS3 untill we have again many people on
the servers. And when this is accomplished go back to 2 servers.
2. To much inactive members on PS servers, PS is depending to much on the
regulars. But actually if there are more members playing on it more people
will automatically come and play.
3. Members,Admins and High Admins have to listen to what everybody says.
Some of these people ignore what others say are just go around the subject.
This causing frustration for the players.
4. Also has to do with number 2. If members,admins and high admins are
inactive for long term (2 months). Let them be placed on inactive list.
Once this system is fully operational maybe go over to the fact if your
inactive for (3months) start the proces of lowering lvl by 1 each month.
Untill lvl 8 is reached.(this counts for all members,admins and high admins)
5. A nextmap pol command for everybody so people can vote if they want to
play the map yes or no.
6. Have a fair leveling system atm it isn't really fair only the (sorry for the word)
asslickers get way quicker level's while the normal players go very slow.
This is also for the members and admin's system.
7. Make it easier for people to become member, atm PS takes long time to
promote people. Because they think people have to much power then. Well
make then lvl 8 less powerless.
This shows that you respect the people for playing on
the server and that you are testing them. Atm it can take up to 4-5 months
before it is done so sorry but High Admins I know you do your best about
this object but thats a bit to long. Also HA you can't vote no for a person
if you haven't been on the server for more as 6 months because you haven't
been actif on ps server. It can be the person is totaly different from past.
As HA it is your duty to look to these people and see how they evolve,
not be like well when I was playing 1 year ago he was really an ass.
Well then your doing it wrong just go on the server and have a look.
(maybe a tip go a bit more on ps server and look at his/her behavior).
8. PS works with respect and loyalty, well this has to come from both side and
not always from one side.

Kind regards


OW and if the members,admins, high admins and regulars that play on servers want to add things to the list or approve or disapprove
about parts just post a reply ;) thanks.

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Postby Daghel » Sat Aug 25, 2012 14:55


1. Merge of servers, and levels will be done propablly soon. We are discussing it at AF.
2. That's true. But we can't force anyone to be more active. Its anyway connected to nr1. Instead of spliting our forces, we want to focus on one server, and when it will be full again, then reopen another.
3. Don't know how others, but i use to ignore stupid commends (if not mute worthy). Don't feel ofended please, in general, not adressing to You directly. Or for example i don't react if somebody spamming "teams" when i see someone is connecting and he will even or its 30 sec to end of the map. Also somethimes admins can be at spec but afk, or so into game that didn't notice chat. By my experience - direct pms to one member or at |ps| works better than on global.
4. Atm we have 3-4 activity checks per year. And its working fine. It's summer time, so it's natural that some ppl are away.
5. Also on-disscuss. nextmap poll to everyone would be too chaotic and spammy, but free for all vote after each map is doable.
6. Point of view. So can't really answer here.
7. Becoming a member is very easy. We are looking for active players, both in game and at community life with some passion. Fair and mature. with good rules understanding, able to help admins and other people. But to get know a person it takes time. It's all depend on many factors.
8. Exactly.
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Re: Topic you have to read

Postby FlowerPower » Sat Aug 25, 2012 15:07

i answer you by points:

1. Work in progress, soon you will see some changes.
2. We check inactive members every 3 months. It's quite a good system, and the current memberlist is updated with all active members.
3. We listen our regulars. But listening doesn't mean doing what they ask, because it's impossible to fullfill every single request.
4. Honestly, a bad idea.
5. This can be added, maybe egglaf working on it (don't remember)
6. Levelsystem is fine for me, but you can try to make a new one if you have a better idea.
7. I just say one thing: not all candidates must become members. Someone can change but someone might be never the suitable person for being part of PS. We (HA) judge people very carefully and none is voting if he hasn't check the guy properly.

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Postby xochi » Sat Aug 25, 2012 17:05

Thanks allready for some quick feedback about topics.

1. Good to hear that you guys are discussing about this.

2. Oke.

3. Well offcourse I think you are both well aware what i mean with listening if they are telling crap you can just tell them something. But if they are telling really some stuff to try to get changes and all that is maybe good to put in consideration.

4.Oke with activity checks and that you put them on the inactivity list.

5. This is how i see the poll. Map gets loaded comes on and after 3min automatically the poll next map will come up and people can vote. On this way there is no spam possible and it is fair. Because people take max up to 1min to get on the nextmap.

6.Well for this part i think its best to see also how long they play and if they follow rules yes or no. Maybe make like a list of all players that play on PS servers (maybe via server that does automatically with program that each time somebody new IP comes on he remembers him) and if he behaves and all and plays on the server to promote him after some time. But atm it was more that people that did like I said in previous post got quicker a level causing other people to think it was unfair. Why that one got a level and they didn't while they where playing much longer and same way as the other guy.

7.PS is a community and a community can be seen in many ways as we all know.
My view in beginning was that those that behave and play enough become a member, well maybe not high level but just a member.(my point of view)

But hasn't it also to do with the fact that HA waits for every HA to answer on the subject. Isn't it possible to do like for example once a moth a meeting with all and discuss about all those things in one time. This will cause quicker result then posting something and waiting for everybody to reply (can take months). If you say like euh the 2th saterday of a month you come together take the list of all subjects discuss about it vote about it. Wouldn't that be easier or are you people doing it on this way or how are you doing this atm?

8.At this point there is sometimes that we feel a little bit of ignorance you know not on the bad way but still. You people are nice people and all nothing about that but sometimes there is just this feeling that sometimes the players don't get that much gratitude for what they do for the server and the people on it.

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Postby Toup » Sat Aug 25, 2012 17:38

Members,Admins and High Admins have to listen to what everybody says.
Some of these people ignore what others say are just go around the subject.
This causing frustration for the players.

I agree with you in this one. The only problem is that there is very few feedback like this topic f.e.. If everyone gave their opinion it would be much easier to understand the cause of the inactivity and other problems but that just doesn't happen.

Some people are just here to have fun and not worry about such things as settings and maps, but regulars and members are needed on the server for them to come since obviously they are not going to log on to an empty server.

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Postby xochi » Sat Aug 25, 2012 17:47

I see your point but as most think of fun and all still as member,admin and high admin you have to give the example of how it has to be done. On other servers where i went for inspection I saw that more as 12-15 members where constantly online. Causing the server to be full of people and they also listened directly when somebody said for example: Wouldn't it be better to have like a map system so we can choose or maps. After 4 minutes there was a poll made by a member about this so people could vote yes or no.

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Re: Topic you have to read

Postby egglaf » Sat Aug 25, 2012 22:06

Hello Xochi,

Well at first I must compliment you with this post, it is quite nice.

Well especially about your point 5, an auto nextmap vote. I don't think I will enable or make such a thing. Though I will make a new command for members with a certain adminlevel, I am thinking about what level yet, to enable them to run a regular vote for the nextmap. It will come out with the next eggtools maybe together with some other new features.

And well about your third point (point 3.) It is the same as trying to fulfil everyone's request while I am making a new rotation. There are to many opinions to do that perfectly. And besides that, sometimes it is needed to be plain about things, but please, do not think we are not listening :).

And further, well the adminlevels are given by humans and all their (im)perfections, don't look for perfect equality than ;). I can understand some frustrations, but in general I believe the giving of levels is quite going as good it could be. For the rest I do not have a real opinion on it, I think the level-system is working fine enough.

For the rest I have nothing to add compared to the previous replies.


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Postby davies » Sat Aug 25, 2012 22:51

Something I want to add to the leveling:

Leveling comes with being a regular player on the servers and show good behaviour (following the rules, attending other on the rules).
But, leveling is really stimulated by showing your activity community wise. You don't have to be member to be important or atleast to represent your part of PS!

Further I like you show what you think is still missing/incorrect in our 'system' and give some feedback, thanks! ;) :good:

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over nine thousand

Postby Epa » Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:02

Hey! Maybe this stuff you said about map voting and focusing on one server is perfectly valid, but rest of the topic looks like you have lust for the tag or the power.

In this case i give you this:

For instance i don't know anyone who became member after 4-5 months playing.
Also playing is something you do for fun, and more importantly playing in community servers(especially ps servers) means that after awhile of playing together with other people of the server you come closer and know each player better everyday. When you reach this you can say that you are part of the community/family.
And think about it, you don't need an admin level over nine thousand to have fun with people you are familiar with ;)

If this is not the case i wish you good luck and hope you achieve something good with this topic.

yours truly: almost part of the community. ;) gn

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Postby xochi » Sun Aug 26, 2012 9:06

thanks for lovely feed back , was first thinking with waiting for the post because there was a slight chance that this would become a spam post thing.
But i took the chance and posted it to see how things will develop and how other people see things and want to add things what they prefer.
This is more a topic to let PS know what the players on the server prefer or what to chance if possible. Sometimes they discuss these things on server but then there is no admin online (i think they are a bit afraid) so they can normally talk about it.

egglaf= well egglaf how are you going to make the next map poll then, let us know so we maybe allready can give some feedback about it. So you aren't making something what isn't going to be cool, but knowing you it will be awesome ;).

Davies: Thanks ^^ and yeah that's how it is but if you are a community it is as I said everybody has a different point of view about a community and that was mine.

Epa: Yeah i find it fair enough to put it in, rest well I am certainly not the only one who was talking about this but nvm that. Offcourse i understand that but you know how irritating it is when you go online and like the usual regulars playing and no member this causes for a part a bad face for ps i think. Other server as I allready told are almost all the time with more as 12-13 members online. A server doens't have to always count on regulars to populate the server.
About your 4-5 months well i know some that got member in 6 months does that count.

Btw if some of these words are pretty direct sorry for this but this is how I think is the best way to communicate. In the past we have tried this the long way and didn't got much result so I thought let's try it like this and else I give up. So I hope some changes will come.
What I also wanted to say is that i don't want to cranck the ego or what ever you call it of PS certainly not because I think some members are really taking this personal. It is not going about one particular person but just the system that has to make some changes if possible.
So no worries we still love ya all <3 , yeah even you davies ;)

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Postby DMG_Kowi » Sun Aug 26, 2012 10:21

I didn't think that PS servers gonna be finally merged to one :( :(
There are already many PS mambers. But other thing is that big part of them are inactive. Probably in the past they were more 'hasty' with appointing members.
Next map poll would be good.

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Postby Plastic_Jesus » Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:55

1. As said, this might happen.
2. But why is this? Of course the answer is that it shows the community is living inside. Anyway there are several reasons why there are not so many people around anymore. The fact that this game is old should be concidered.
3. Well I wouldn't generalize such thing. We are individuals. We are humans. We have our own lives. We cannot know what happens inside each other's minds. This day we have good days and that day we have bad days. It is just that we want to play too sometimes. If somebody does something then it is adviced to ask in private if somebody could do something about stuff. But what comes to me, I will listen to the players as much as I can to help them. But sometimes I want to play too.
4. Well that would be a pretty brutal, and to be honest every case is kind of different. The reason for inactivity is different for people. And well in my opinion the current system is just fine.
5. I disagree with you. I already seen enough bad votes by people. It is a command which should not be messed with. But well nothing changes the fact that there will always be a minority. But anyway I have seen this command being used in a wrong way. Totally nerve wrecking.
6. Well what I have seen different kinds of level systems during my ET journey. One of the best systems is that the more gaps on levels there are the less it hurts to give a level.
7. I actually have my own opinion about this. Because this is a very important subject. You are right that by knowing people it is easier to make decisions. When you have a knowledge about a player it is easy to prepare him to become a member. But to be honest it hasn't happened in here. I actually never saw any true preparation for a candidate. Since many of the candidates are new for admining stuff, they need the support all way through their candidate phase.
8. I fully did not undertsnad the point because I think the sentence was not totally finished. Of course respect is all in all. Loyalty too but it depends how you look at it.

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Postby Dre_of_chaos » Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:55

There is no incentive for new players to stay in this game compared to other, new games.

ET in general is in a bad shape compared to a few years ago, sad but true. Merging the rest of the servers will give it one last boost but I don't see the days returning where the PS servers were always full and I had to wait 30 minutes to connect.

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Postby xochi » Sun Aug 26, 2012 18:47

2. I agree for a part at this but still as member you have to come on the server to boost the number of players. If you see an empty server would you play on it lets see
commonly guessed No but if you see one with 5 people (admins) the chance of people joining is much higher.

3. Everybody wants to play that is normal but sometimes things dont get considerated and forgotten.

4. As told this can be put in at the system to get inactivity at lower rate but you don't have to put it in.

5. what i mean is that the server puts the vote one time on the screen, so nobody activates it or can spam it. Just One time it pops up everybody can vote yes or no and done. So you dont need the vote thing anymore because the server does it itself.

6.Well maybe give it a try by making it easier for people so we get more activity on the server. As allready told Regulars have to fill up the server atm while normally it have to be the members.

7.So by seeing your point you say that most people that play aren't ready to become member because they don't have the knowledge and responsibility or how else do you mean.

8. At this point it is easy at some moments the regulars get a tough time because sometimes a member doesn't respect about what we do or say even when we are doing it right. Causing the regular to be confused at the fact and later on another member tells the same thing as the regular so the regular was indeed right but got pinned down thx to the other one. This is what i also see as no respect to regulars what we sometimes have to do to keep the mood on the server at fun but good.

Well so funny you say this I went to some other servers and these where Full of people. This because 11-15 members where constantly playing that also gives the images he ;).

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Postby SpyCow » Sun Aug 26, 2012 19:23

xochi wrote:5. what i mean is that the server puts the vote one time on the screen, so nobody activates it or can spam it. Just One time it pops up everybody can vote yes or no and done. So you dont need the vote thing anymore because the server does it itself.

That's a good idea Imo.
But... Every 2nd rotation,
Because then the most hated maps would never get played, since It'll get voted away instantly. :)
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Postby deep » Sun Aug 26, 2012 20:04

SpyCow wrote:Because then the most hated maps would never get played, since It'll get voted away instantly. :)

Most hated maps don't belong in the server anyway :)

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Postby SpyCow » Sun Aug 26, 2012 20:26

Diamond wrote:
SpyCow wrote:Because then the most hated maps would never get played, since It'll get voted away instantly. :)

Most hated maps don't belong in the server anyway :)

Yeah, but maybe there are SOME people who wants to play them. :D
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Postby Plastic_Jesus » Sun Aug 26, 2012 20:44

xochi wrote:saukko:
2. I agree for a part at this but still as member you have to come on the server to boost the number of players. If you see an empty server would you play on it lets see
commonly guessed No but if you see one with 5 people (admins) the chance of people joining is much higher.

3. Everybody wants to play that is normal but sometimes things dont get considerated and forgotten.

4. As told this can be put in at the system to get inactivity at lower rate but you don't have to put it in.

5. what i mean is that the server puts the vote one time on the screen, so nobody activates it or can spam it. Just One time it pops up everybody can vote yes or no and done. So you dont need the vote thing anymore because the server does it itself.

6.Well maybe give it a try by making it easier for people so we get more activity on the server. As allready told Regulars have to fill up the server atm while normally it have to be the members.

7.So by seeing your point you say that most people that play aren't ready to become member because they don't have the knowledge and responsibility or how else do you mean.

8. At this point it is easy at some moments the regulars get a tough time because sometimes a member doesn't respect about what we do or say even when we are doing it right. Causing the regular to be confused at the fact and later on another member tells the same thing as the regular so the regular was indeed right but got pinned down thx to the other one. This is what i also see as no respect to regulars what we sometimes have to do to keep the mood on the server at fun but good.

2. At the moment I cannot be active enough to participate the action around servers (personal reasons). I mostly come to computer when server is already filled. I am not 24/7 online but if there would be an empty server, it depends. Sometimes I go and sometimes not, depends if I have something else to do.

3. Well that happens. People aren't flawless.

5. If every map there would be a vote for the next map, it wouldn't make any sense. I at least want to play the map is currently on, doesn't matter is it new or old. It is just ridiculous how people skip maps like mad men.

6. Well to the first sentence: That is up to high admins. And to the second sentence: There is no order who have to join first. The server has not filled its purpose if the players do not come there to play as used to come. Think about BO or CSS. The players come to the server because of the atmosphere, that way it doesn't need any members around there. Admins/members are there to adminstrate the server, to look that everything runs smoothly. I have played many games and found good servers and stayed because of the atmosphere. So I totally disagree with you on that one.

7. You totally misunderstood me then. Because the point is that there needs to be known who is who. Think about it in HA's place, what would you do? If there would be a candidate who doesn't fit into the squad, would you pick him? If the candidate wouldn't do anything good for the community, just playing and not even talking. Without knowing who he is or anything. I guess you wouldn't pick him. It is that the future members aren't "trained" enough. If you get my point. First there needs to be knowledge who the candidate is, then prepare him, teach him a bit. Then there would be a fresh member. But it doesn't go like that in here. It would make the members more confident to that what they are doing. If you still did not understand my point, well then I'll try to explain it in PM.

8. Well I remember these kinds of things happened now and then because of the rules. They weren't explained well enough but now when the rulebook finally got changed, members can easily make right decisions based on the rulebook.

@SpyCow You are right, not many new maps are played by players because they do not know them. And then they will poll for next map and that is just sad. There are players who want to also try something new, not get stuck on maps like GR, Oasis and Venice which run like one thirds of the time.

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Postby Scary » Sun Aug 26, 2012 22:26

How does demoting inactive members increase amount of players? In hope that maybe certain member is afraid that his gonna loose his precious level and play only because of that?
I doubt.

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Postby Ajit » Sun Aug 26, 2012 22:58

If everyone gave their opinion it would be much easier to understand the cause of the inactivity and other problems but that just doesn't happen.

It's about the game. ET is dying because it's old game. I really doubt that there are some new guys who "discover" ET and start playing it. There are actually much better games than ET and people grow out of playing computer games and new generation of kids play new games not old ones. There is nothing you can do about it.

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Postby Toup » Sun Aug 26, 2012 23:13

You are completely right Ajit, but I wasn't talking about new players. Most people have stopped playing the game because they've grown bored of it, but there are those who leave for other reasons and that simply lose interest when they try to get back into the game.

But it's true, we can't do much about it, tt's an old game.

And xochi, regular/admin = player. Same thing.

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Postby xochi » Mon Aug 27, 2012 11:14

It is about the fact that this is an option that can be implemented but doenst have to be implemented. These are just things that might be done if possible. I had to make a post that people will read and where people can build further from.

As told allready by other players that it is an old game this is true.
So you find it normal that more as 1/4-1/3 of the staff is inactive.

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Postby ckEy » Mon Aug 27, 2012 11:27

Toup wrote:And xochi, regular/admin = player. Same thing.

Your grasp of the art of mathematics never ceases to amaze me :>, the equallity makes no sense :). I believe xochi was merely trying to point out that the number of regulars and/or players currently playing on a server is directly proportional to the number of members and or admins on the server. In which case you say that apples are the same things as cows, in which case, I guess, SpyCow has a revelation to tell you, they are most definitely not :>.

spy wrote:Yeah, but maybe there are SOME people who wants to play them. Very Happy

Yeah but some things just don't happen cos some people are keen on them. I am very keen on single jump on supply, didn't help me to stop the batmans flying thru the map tho ;)

To your post xochi, I have already given you spam-loads-of-feedback over msn, so allow me to be a minimalist and summarize: +1


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Postby Toup » Mon Aug 27, 2012 12:05

ckEy wrote:
Toup wrote:And xochi, regular/admin = player. Same thing.

the equallity makes no sense :). I believe xochi was merely trying to point out that the number of regulars and/or players currently playing on a server is directly proportional to the number of members and or admins on the server. In which case you say that apples are the same things as cows, in which case, I guess, SpyCow has a revelation to tell you, they are most definitely not :>.


Yes he was trying to point out that, but I very much doubt players give a crap if a server is filled with admins or regulars. At the moment there is usually always at least one moderator/admin on the server, which is enough to keep everything in order, right?

Otherwise we are making ET sound like a job and not a computer videogame.

All my opinion, of course.

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Postby xochi » Mon Aug 27, 2012 12:12

Toup wrote:Yes he was trying to point out that, but I very much doubt players give a crap if a server is filled with admins or regulars.

Well Toup it really is players watch if there are much admins online yes or no. It gives a better view if they care about server or not. As allready told when i went to other server where 40 players played from those 40 there were 12 admins. See the connection?


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