PS#6 - The rise and fall

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PS#6 - The rise and fall

Postby iZver » Tue Feb 09, 2010 17:31

It is hard to know wether the official reason is true or not. But just for the sake of simplicity I will assume it is. Of course there could have been other reasons, but that it not the point of this topic.


In the beginning there was nothing. Addshore said, 'Let there be a Server' And there was a server. There was still nothing, but you could see it a whole lot better.
And Addshore said,' Let there be ET', and there was ET. Then Addshore said,' Let the server produce players: frag getting pros and noobs on the server that has many maps in it'. And it was so.

We aren't going to delve into how he got the members, that is irrelevant.

What is relevant thoe, is the way addy ran the server.

If my memory serves, the pb was disabled. Instead, he granted a lot of levels to his friends. There always were plenty of trustful people with the lag, and someone with The Hammer. And in all my time there, not a single punk was left standing for more than a few minutes. Lan party was at its best.

Than came the PS invite. Adds was naturally enthusiastic. Who wouldnt. I mean, PS!

But in that craze, everyone forgot about the core of lp success: the large staff. We all helped adds with the management. Everyone was willing to lend a hand. When adam needed something done, he got 3 capable people to help. Of course more admins are harder to supervise, but if one goes halo, 2 other admis jumped him, so that self-administering was a kindof fail-safe. And that is why lp was such a success.

PS6 came to be.

The staff dissmissed, the admin levels gone. The core of lp vanished.

For some time everything appeared to be going smoothly. PS members were happy to play there, some admins were present, and Adam full of energy to do changes to lp, to suit ps community. Polls were open for bussines.

Everything was great.

 Soon enough thoe the number of cheaters began to rise, and PS staff, who now had to cope with another hugemonious server, had a hart time handling it. A problem. Maybe adam didn't have time or w/e, but the server kindoff stagnated. You know the rest...

This is not a tribute to lp, nor a rant. I am writing this because i think there is lessons to be learned, and i didnt see no other topic quite like this. Everything written here is from what i saw. The reasons may lie completely elsewhere. Even if, there is still an important message here. Oh, btw, the bible reference in the prologue isnt coincidental. The server creator is a god in his universe.

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Postby landser » Tue Feb 09, 2010 17:58

well, it wasnt exactly that way:

the whole PS comunity was located on 2 rootservers, after some problems with the hosting company i changed the server provider but due to the contract i still had the 2 old rootservers for some months more ... so i gave addshore one rootserver for some € / month and he started there his lanparty server and was realy successfull with it.

and thats what the idea was: getting there players, making it big and when it was big enough: running it as PS 64 slotserver ... but since some admins doubt the possibility of gameplay we had a trial for the server: running it like 1 month under PS flag and deciding than what to do with it ... and like you noticed: na there werent enough admins who supported the idea of a 64 slot server, so it was just closed :(

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Postby BOWDOWN » Tue Feb 09, 2010 18:01

Nice moments of nostalgia :). Yes , PS6 was a great server and i was one of those who enjoyed playing and admining on it but the server had its own drawbacks and problems and finaly we decided to close it . Things are as they are and we just have to go ahead, we all learned alot from this adventure and that s probably why you see no more 64 slots server on PS :).Anyway thx for this nice post which reminds me some good memories :wink: .

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Postby Scuba_Steve » Tue Feb 09, 2010 18:31

Nostalgia indeed, Together with Addshore & friends. LP was a great servert. Always filled and in maps such as Paris Bastille, Total chaos. But always fun.

Nice story, really reminds me of the good old times.

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Postby icefrost » Tue Feb 09, 2010 21:15

yuu, but et is just not made for this amount of players basically :P

anyway, well written, some newer memorys came back again ^^
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Postby landser » Tue Feb 09, 2010 21:24

icefrost wrote:yuu, but et is just not made for this amount of players basically :P

well ... you should have told this the 64 players playing there :P

made for or not, playable or not, laggy or not: 64 players enjoyed it daily ...

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Postby iZver » Tue Feb 09, 2010 21:49

oh wait... So the admins didn't like the server, or couldn't operate it? thats a big difference? So, which was it?

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Postby GoldenBullet » Tue Feb 09, 2010 22:05

iZver wrote:oh wait... So the admins didn't like the server, or couldn't operate it? thats a big difference? So, which was it?

Probably a little of both.
One of them might have been the increased ammount of unban requests compared to other servers. I think 9 out of 10 request was on PS#6's topic those days...

It was interesting server in it's fascinating and insane way. It was nice to have a small piece of history back in mind.

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Postby Ammz » Tue Feb 09, 2010 22:10

I was actually recently thinking about PS 6, not that I ever played there, because I was on my break, but I imagined having this 64 slot server running, anyway. It would give one hell of a kick to the community, in the right direction I hope.
I would love to go on one of a hell large map with 63 other players, turn on warmode and go crazy :P.

But it's probably just wishful thinking :(
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Postby iZver » Tue Feb 09, 2010 22:16

Well, I think we could make it with some modified levels. Maybe give the hammer to members, and kick to some trustfull players or somthing.

I believe administrating isn't a problem. I would bet there are at least 15 PS members willing to help you with that. Even the forum management and everything.

So if there was will to reopen a 64 people server I don't really see any problems.

That is of course if you aren't so damn conservative and wont budge from the level system a bit :twisted:

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Postby icefrost » Tue Feb 09, 2010 22:21

well, it's allways hard to find good potential, since the most part simply just enjoys the gameplay. i mean of c u could find 15 people and set them up, but in the end it would just loose the quality (see L|L f.e., no offense).
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Postby landser » Tue Feb 09, 2010 22:23

i was once pro 64 slot and i am still pro 64 slots.

but these were different times: back then i had 4 (!) rootservers, i could afford 1 rootserver for this PS64 server - if we compare: now we got on each root 3 servers ...

but ya, if somebody would offer a completley free ($ and utilization) rootserver and the remaining adminforum agrees - why not :D

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Postby iZver » Tue Feb 09, 2010 22:35

lol. We'll talk about that when I'm PS :lol:

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Postby Zielobjekt » Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:51

and kick to some trustfull players or somthing

that was the biggest chaos before the server gets into ps. so much ppl had power that dont realy knew the rules themself or just never admin a server before and got no help from experienced ppl. also a lot of them just gave a shit about experienced ppl and just warned/kicked and so on for just nonsense.

Soon enough thoe the number of cheaters began to rise

also not realy correct. i helped addy out on his server from the beginning and had nearly daily my banspree there. from the start this server attracted cheater like a light attracts instekts.
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Postby Scuba_Steve » Wed Feb 10, 2010 10:04

icefrost wrote:well, it's allways hard to find good potential, since the most part simply just enjoys the gameplay. i mean of c u could find 15 people and set them up, but in the end it would just loose the quality (see L|L f.e., no offense).

Offsense not taken Icy,

To be honest, Creating a 64 slot server does needs a strict policy in behaviour and other stuff. It will take a lot of energy, time and money to merge it within the PS standards. That's why i think PS isn't the community for a 64 slots server.

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Postby BOWDOWN » Wed Feb 10, 2010 17:17

Thought it was a nostalgia topic and now i see peopel argue and debate about how efficient a 64 slot server would be. Honestly , who cares since it will probaly never happen again in PS. When i see all problems we can have with our actual servers : lack of admins in some servers, some difficulty to keep our servers crowded etc ... the only idea to run such a server on PS make me laugh , but well who knows ... . :wink:

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