good old fraps..

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good old fraps..

Postby Audio » Mon May 18, 2009 11:45

I have a presentation coming up next month about Computer Game Violence and since I have lots of violent games already, I thought I would put up some clips on the projector to prove a point :twisted:

I have already played with Fraps before and know what sort of things I want to show but what I need, is to string these little clips together; much like they do on youTube.
Its like I wanted to show me blowing off a zombies head on Left 4 Dead but I might get caught checking out Zoey's butt before I shoot something...I might want to cut that bit out before I put it on the projector infront of 20 people ya know? xD

Do any of you know a good program like a movie editor so I can do this? Google shows plenty but I was hoping someone might know which is easy to use and stuff :)

(if you guys got any clips that would also be awesome :D )

Thank You!

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Postby Samuraii » Mon May 18, 2009 16:39

Usually there is installed a program on your pc called: Windows moviemaker.

If you cannot find that one; camtasia and sony vegas are good ones! (If you download one of the best versions of these you will get a 30-day trial. I think you dont need really more time :P )

good luck ;)
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