Regrding heavy weapons

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Regrding heavy weapons

Postby Kumagoro » Sun Dec 10, 2006 19:22

Most of the time i see the oh-so-known "out of stock" when i just want to go on a pure kill frenzy with a flamer/panzer/venom/mortar, leaving me with only the stg, bar or MG's which i dont like personally.

My idea is to give each of them such settings

Flamer - 2 per team
Panzer - 1 per team (no cam, falls down like rifle nades)
Mortar - 2 per team
Venom - 1 per team

Also they should be available on ALL maps, not just few.

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Postby Wastl » Mon Dec 11, 2006 16:25

More Venom! :D

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Postby X-avier » Mon Dec 11, 2006 16:33

Regards these weapons, my opinion about them are like this :

Venom : locked ; reason : Not realistic its not a fantasy game , and its not a weapon what's providing people too defend them self. it just shoots bullet's in every direction it can find. if youre close too it that direction is the enemy.

Panzer : Look topic about panzer .

Flamer : it's more realistic then the venom ( main argument for that is that it was really used in war times but not as people use them in game ),
but because much severs got the double jump [on] and you got adreline on you can just jump fast trough groups and kill them with ease.

Motar : My opinion about this is no sk even not on caputere the flag , and my opinion is that if someone uses it he cant use the motar on their own spawn and they can't spam motars on 1 space they need too shoot on different spots.

Hope you understand what my opinion about it is.

Greetings X,

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Postby Stormcrow » Mon Dec 11, 2006 17:24

Too much heavy Weapons are crap. Have u ever played on servers which have to much heavy weaps? Let's leave it at that.
Pls Foxxy, teach me how to "master-bait" :-P

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Postby Damelon » Mon Dec 11, 2006 17:47

Stormcrow wrote:Too much heavy Weapons are crap. Have u ever played on servers which have to much heavy weaps? Let's leave it at that.

more panzers >>more noobs >> more chaos >> people leave

(my optinion)

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Postby Montame » Mon Dec 11, 2006 17:58

My Oppinion:

Panzer -> More noobs-> 2 unlock at Baserac3
Mortar -> More SK -> 1 unlocked more than enough
Venom -> Definetly Sux :P
Flamer -> 1 Per Team

Thats how it works :P

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Postby Joky » Tue Dec 12, 2006 13:21

Heavy weapons policy stays as it is...

was it a week orso ago i locked a topic about it? mm, might be 2 weeks... but neways... nvm that

it might be changed into crowd-related restriction: more people, more heavy weps, just an idea.

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Postby nubface » Tue Dec 12, 2006 14:02

Venom : locked ; reason : Not realistic its not a fantasy game , and its not a weapon what's providing people too defend them self. it just shoots bullet's in every direction it can find. if youre close too it that direction is the enemy.

ET isn't so realistick game itself.. if you count douple jumps.. but i agree that heavy wepons sucks if there is too much noobs using them.. for exampel with panzer and flamer.. if there were one ps server with password and only members could go there, heavy wepons would be great!
that is just my opinion.. but it sucks if you feel like you want to play with heavy wepons and you can use just BAR it's not great at all.. :|

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Postby simson » Wed Dec 13, 2006 19:41

kill and frag with (thompson,mp40 etc.) not with venom or panzer. :D

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Postby X-avier » Wed Dec 13, 2006 22:35

*Too edit my last post\*

True that the game isnt realistic but it's ment too reconstruct war times. and a venom or panzer is not good for ppl's mood.. i kinda get angry if i get killed trough panzer or venom *if someone kills me with other wep i just applause them*

So that's too edit my last post i can understand ppl want too play them but dont use them all day long, it's kinda anoying imo.

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Postby BOWDOWN » Thu Dec 14, 2006 12:17

Ja, deady is right, have lot of heavy weapons can be caused empty servers sometimes and in some maps just shit da game. I m agree that panzer,flame and mortar is a part of ET (ot same for venom) and don t have to be totaly disaled, we just have to reduc their number to minimum and disable some in spacial maps. Yeseterday i saw a map (a new one, i don t know the name :D ) axis protecting a exit with 3 Mg 8O , so we realy have to think about .

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Postby Borewicz » Thu Dec 14, 2006 13:03

already reduced mortars Mgs(only on minas two) and Flames to one per team. Panzer is only on one map and only one per team. Venoms are only on some maps and also one per team.

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Postby Kumagoro » Fri Dec 15, 2006 16:16

You're pouring the child with the bath...

Only playable classes here are medic and engineer

Covert Ops - Everyone sees tey're disguised
Soldier - Most heavyweapons are off
FieldOps - Arty and airstike charge too long (too long red/yellow/white icon)

Everyone whines for:
Riflenade noobs, panzernoobs, flamenoobs, venomnoobs, covertnoobs (not on this serv, but got called so on other NQ serv :P )

But why nobody whines for Medicnoob?

All thoose f**ing 'tards who adrenaline themselves and take like 5 HS to kill is that fair? No it aint... on shotstorm there was a good way of dealing with such 'tards, deliver them a panza/zooka right in their face, or burn their asses off with a flamer.

My vote is to disable all weapons and leave only single Lugers/Colts! That will be a truly pr0 match! Ofc. medics only (who cares bout objective, i gotta FRAG!!!!)

:x That sucks...

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Postby X-avier » Fri Dec 15, 2006 18:27

Hmm Kumagoro you say we all whine?..
The point is ( maby you have noticed if you carefully read youre post) that youre the one whining you probally can't kill that medic that always keeps killing you and the only way is then too go to heavy wepoans what's not totally wrong not everybody can be a good medic but you know i understand that you think cover ops are not good anymore i want too change it too but fieldop and youre argument for that isnt true , a field op is not only for arty and airstrikes that are + points for it but you can also can shoot many bullets withouth thinking about an empty thompson/mp40 , and if you play it good you dont need to spam youre arty / airstrikes just shoot endlessly and fill youre wepaon again and shoot again:) , i know there alot of medics but why not ? There nice char too play so, if youre where good with medic you woulnd mind it i think so just keep practising it:) Gl and Hf

Greetings Xavier ( ITS WEEKEND!~!~! || !beer all || )

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Postby Damelon » Fri Dec 15, 2006 18:59

indeed xavi
if some1 cant kill any 1 why he plays ET?..your problem kuma is you whine about medics couse you cant kill them,
idea: drop others..go medic..revive/ lvl 4 >> adrenaline and pwn their asses.
but like this whineing about "medicnoobs" is isnt we have feelings panzernoobs have feelings too and the artynoobs too

keep what i say ! drop others..go nmedic..and pwn !

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Postby nubface » Fri Dec 15, 2006 20:46

the games idea is not FRAGGING!!!! i think ppl who just frag are noobs!! specially medics who just frag frag frag... and i say ppl noobs only for that reason: they just frag and when they got medic lvl 4 they don't heal anymore just adrenaline and fragging!!!!!!

and if you try to be some other class you got killed be medic having 30-40 more hitpoints and you can't get healed 'case fragger noobs just take adrenaline and run away from body!


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Postby Mobius » Fri Dec 15, 2006 20:59

damn dind't u read xavi his post? :? good ppl use medics to get more kill, and mostly train with it to improove his skill. if u can have that, that why u are playing ET? :? i think u are a noob, if u say that medics are noobs. if probly some1 kills u with venom/panzer then u call him noob to :? and the fact that ppl use adrenaline is cuz they got skill, and use all their equipments. :)

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Postby X-avier » Fri Dec 15, 2006 22:30

I agree with mob:) ,
and first off all nubface , you got a good fitting name :)

Second euhm frag frag frag? hmm no i know it on public severs all ppl are doing so much teamwork? lol ? on publics you cant do many teamwork and because of those ''hated''medics you can succeed youre mission without them you will not come so far. I know there are some ppl that do what you say but most ppl dont , dont creat a tought that all medics are bad because they aint ( like mob , deadhunter that nubie xavi :P )

Greetings X nubface just keep pracitsing and maby in a few years creat a new name : Pwnface :) :twisted:

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Postby nubface » Sat Dec 16, 2006 11:24

im not saying that all medics are noob.. just those who just frag with medic and don't revive or heal other ppl..

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Postby Kumagoro » Sat Dec 16, 2006 12:58


Well i got no problem with kiling people with normal guns, but if i want a bit of diversity in game, why you stop me from using some 'fun' weapons?
The problem is that medics are too 'rambo', on true battlefields they shoot only occasionally and most of the time they keep helping their buddies
Whilst in ET, medic = ultimate gun of destruction, 160hp + adren + health regain (useful when the other guy is reloading) = almost unstoppable!
Think of it!
Avg thompson shot @ body - 20hp
avg hs @ body - 60hp/50hp (with helmet)
Health regain - 3hp/s
Adren - 50% off

Lets take an optimistic variant of shooting 15 bullets from a gun in body, rest has gone "somewhere else"
We dealt 150 damage, making the medic severely wounded, however medic needs just 7 shots in body to kill us... (avg hp is 130)

Is that fair? No it aint, but nobody whines for it.
However when somebody gets hit in the back with a panza, and that guy DOESNT kill team8 nor vaporize himself (meaning a non-noob shot) we still call him a panzernoob, even though he ISNT one (im talking bout normal, not homing panzer)

Change medic class name to rambo!
Or make only lugers available for him

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Postby Sargeras » Sat Dec 16, 2006 13:05

X-avier wrote:
Motar : My opinion about this is no sk even not on caputere the flag , and my opinion is that if someone uses it he cant use the motar on their own spawn and they can't spam motars on 1 space they need too shoot on different spots.

Hope you understand what my opinion about it is.

Greetings X,

WTF seems sk???? I thought, that when somebody in game is telling about sk, he is telling about me, because I use name ***Sargeras***SK, and SK for me entails my nationality- SlovaKia. so what seems sk, when it is somebody using on forum?

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Postby nubface » Sat Dec 16, 2006 13:16

SK mean spawn killing

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Postby X-avier » Sat Dec 16, 2006 13:48

Kumagoro you got some good points i must confess but still you say on true battlefields.. ET is a game not real war:) and the double jump is realistic? nope and last of all Venom is that realistic too you? i hope you say no or else you watch too much sience fiction on tv:P

And over that medic with adredeline.. euhm how is that that when i go engineer or field op i can easly kill those medics and you cant?:P

Greetings X :)

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Postby Mobius » Sat Dec 16, 2006 16:00

indeed xavier. :)
@nubface are u dumb? :? u said that medics are noobs, u said this:i think ppl who just frag are noobs!! specially medics who just frag frag frag... kumagro the reason that you whine is that u can't play ET i geuss. with field ops or other classes u can kill medics, but if u can't then everything must be changed? :? think about it :)

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Postby Stormcrow » Sat Dec 16, 2006 17:36

Correct me if i am wrong, but it doesnt matter which class u take, 3 Headshots [in a row] kill every enemy :-)

I think this discussion is time-waste. The actual config is very good, close that thread and stop flaming :-P
Pls Foxxy, teach me how to "master-bait" :-P


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