FPS Problems

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FPS Problems

Postby Coyote » Fri Oct 27, 2006 1:34

Im back again, more 'problems' :?

Anyway, my FPS are for some reason all over the place on some maps. They are usually around 30 (not sure if that is good or bad, but the game is playable) however when someone, including myself starts to open fire they shoot down to like 2/3. trying to kill someone with 2 fps is very hard :x

et is the only program running and i've changed all the graphic settings to as low as they can go

does anyone know anyway 'tips' or such like to improve this problem?

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Postby icefrost » Fri Oct 27, 2006 1:46

what is the power from ur computer u use? what's ur internetconnection and where u from?

some solutions they could be help:

- reinstall graphic driver
- lower ur graphic settings

Commands for a better connection:

this variable defines the number of “snapsâ€Â￾ with information about game situation is sent from server to the client.

maximum number of frames, sent from server to the client. Accordingly your FPS can’t exceed this number. The change of this variable won’t improve the connection quality, but can prevent the problems with FPS jumps, connected either with connection lags or with lags of the system itself. The most optimal com_maxfps value is your average FPS. Choose it having played for a while with the FPS meter on - "cg_drawfps 1".

size of the network parcels. I’d recommend setting the values depending on your connection speed. In the end of this section there is a summary table with values advisable for each type of connection. Don’t forget that if you have data compression connection then you can increase the rate parameter. Read how to use lag-meter and try experimenting with rate value to improve it.

"cl_timenudge" value should be some 30-50 points lower than your average ping. You can try experimenting with it using lag-meter to check the results.

this variable sets the maximum number of parcels that your system can send to the server. Changing its value can help those with low outgoing traffic speed. It’s “30â€Â￾ by default. Sometimes with modem connection you should decrease its value. And playing with digital connection you should increase it.

here are my settings:

seta snaps "80"
seta com_maxfps "333"
seta rate "40000"
Edit seta cl_timeNudge "-30" (when you do this you have many prob with PB Servers) greetz Monster sry ice for edit
seta cl_maxpackets "100"

the magic (best) fps numbers are: 43, 76, 125, 333

just try it out and find the best for ur computer / hardware.


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Postby Ammz » Fri Oct 27, 2006 15:16

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Postby Damelon » Sat Oct 28, 2006 13:57

or the other thing if it dont help...run ad aware professional...maybe you have some data miners (200 ping + lowered fps )
or other virus..couse viruses can lower your graphics card power

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Postby Coyote » Mon Oct 30, 2006 5:05

Well I restarted my pc yesterday and it seemed to do the world of good (had been on for around 70 days straight before restart!)

Thanks for the tips they have also improved my game! :D

And I ran an adware/spyware remover and I found a lot of unwanted stuff 8O Thanks for the advice Holly :)

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Postby landser » Mon Oct 30, 2006 5:26

the only command concerning fps i know is:

com_maxfps "x"

x = amount of fps ...

i did this:

/com_maxfps 125

and my game runs perfect :D

but i think this advise / advize was given yet ...

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Postby icefrost » Mon Oct 30, 2006 17:41

and i will add this,

cuz of a bug from quake u can lock the fps number with the posten command from landser (/com_maxfps).

on these numbers the settings are the best: 43, 76, 125, 333

just look how high ur fps is going and lock the for u best fps rate.


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