Post your least and most liked mod, and say why!

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Spam Kid
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Post your least and most liked mod, and say why!

Postby Kumagoro » Sat Dec 23, 2006 17:43

I'll start :P

Mostest favoritestest mod!

No Quarter - Both for realistic and 'fun' play, lots of new guns, new skills and all...

Leastest favoritestest mod!

Jaymod - Somewhat weird psychics (the doublejump!), wtf are toose medpacks flying so far! Poisongas - useless, multiple landmine types, well that's kinda cool but they act weird (death from poison mine = cvops exp?!), and that spinning mine, wtf is that?!
Good for a laff or two, but gets boring quick, i'd call it a more "finished" NoQuarter with less features.

I didnt count ETpro, since it's the pure essence of ET. But the essence sux :P

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Postby Damelon » Sat Dec 23, 2006 17:54

>>>NoQuarter<<< : Funny mod a little same like etpub but thats a cool with this mod. got much more weapons and a ET 2 or something :P its a great mode

>>>ETpr0<<< : a shitty good mode :P for the n00bs its annoying and bad mode but for who plays the ET 3 or 4 years they can have a really 1337 kills in this mode..i like it i play 3 years too :P but i just play for fun

>>>Jaymod<<< WTF?! a shitty nub mode if i shot the air it give to the enemy skilless mode so if you are a pr0 and playing on all mode you play on jaymod your skill is going down like hell..i hate this gaymod like hell :? :?

>>>ETPUB<< R0x mode ever i see..good skills good tacktics..good jumps better physics HS is cool with etpub :D

thats all :P

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