Ban for Vital

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Ban for Vital

Postby I-2-Stupid » Wed May 15, 2013 15:55

Moin gurls and guys,

some mins ago i play on PS#1 and Vital (Russian Player) i need 2 be true i teamkilled him BUT THEN! he
called me nazi, please can you ban him?!?

here the screens:
here he called me nazi:

here he called me fascist:

here he say why i hate him and tked him ?!?!


and here i ask him (yes caps) that he is serious what he sayed 2 me:

v51 on the last pic and his answer in mainchat...


please punish him, I hate nazis and fascism...

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Postby Yoschi » Wed May 15, 2013 16:21

hmm i think ban is hard for that XD

I talked to him, he said that this is his opinion about that and next time he keeps his opinion to himself.

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Postby I-2-Stupid » Wed May 15, 2013 16:30

Yoschi wrote:hmm i think ban is hard for that XD

I talked to him, he said that this is his opinion about that and next time he keeps his opinion to himself.

well i dont care IF someone call me nazi i feeled very hard insulted and attacked, i fight for so much years now that im not a nazi, i got called this so much in reallife...and i dont think thats good if he dont get a punishment
mabey thats your opinion yoschi that you think a ban is 2 ahrd for that...hope more admins of ps dont think its 2 hard (dont wanna attack you)

i dont wanna that ppls like him think that all germans are nazis this is just bullshit and i said this 2 him!


what is that for an crap opinion HE DIDNT EVEN know me and i never said something like sieg heil or so why he think im nazi? i hope for a lil statement from him.
It would be the same if i would say he is nothing more than a vodka drinking russian with nothing in head and his driving skills with vodka in his blood are so crappy like the most of russians and he support this crap gouverment of russia (BUT I DONT SAY THIS) wtf he go this damn minds about me?
are he so unworldly? (Weltfremd: for the germans)
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Postby Smadje » Wed May 15, 2013 17:25

Hey stoop,

I agree with you that he is acting completely wrong. Probably he saw your german flag and decided that he was in the mood for a flame war. Don't take it personally, ignore this guy.

Since we are in desperate need of players I think we shouldn't ban him now. If I spot him I will make him clear that if he crosses the line again he's out for eternity ;)
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Postby icefrost » Wed May 15, 2013 17:26

yea well, im used to get called nazi on this game, happend of c sometimes in the past, like some artyk guys called me Fuhrer the first time they saw me on the server. i personally didn't rly bother that much with it but i can understand u pretty well.

for example, if i would write, "stupid jews" and it would come from a german, it would get punished for sure.

so not sure what to think about vital and this case, but i agree, we shouldn't allow such a behavior at all.

edit: agree with smad, that a ban might would be too harsh, but we should make it clear that it ain't gonna happen again in the future. at all, politics should allways stay out of a online game, not that i care much about politics anyw.
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Postby I-2-Stupid » Wed May 15, 2013 18:09

but sry thats why i posted it here i take this crap personally :p

but in fact what you write i need agree with you is a dieing game and im now calmed down because have some other things 2 do this last couple hours...

I dont know if vital read this or is on forums i wish a lil apology...he cross that line 2 far like smad says....i hope he can belive me that IM NOT A NAZI because im not.
Mabey some of you can tell him that...i woulnd be so pissed...dont want that such of ppls can come and call us nazis because we are from germany

next time i ignore this crap for sure, i swear (better i hope so that i can ignore that shitbull :roll: )

but if this happen again i go demand a ban again :P


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