10-Map Campaign

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Change the voting System and add a 10 Map Campaign?

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10-Map Campaign

Postby icefrost » Tue Apr 12, 2016 12:47

Hi guys,

I know im barely around nowadays, since my job and my life takes a Lot of Time i sadly dont have much Time to play here anymore.

But mostly when i check the Forum / Servermonitor the Server seems quite empty, also in the Evenings, which makes me a bit emotional and sad.

So i thought about changing the current voting System into a stable Campaign with 10 small and populair maps. I did mention this Idea already in the PS 1 - Map Suggestions Topic but i think a new Topic makes it more clear.

For Example with those Maps for the Beginning:
01. Supply Depot
02. Adlernest
03. Goldrush
04. Frostbite
05. Braundorf
06. ET Ice
07. Oasis
08. Bremen
09. Special Delivery
10. Missile b2

Of course we can also change some Maps from Time to Time or can also discuss the Map-List above.

What do you guys think about the idea? Of course in the end people need to connect to keep the Server alive but this might be an idea to incrase the amount of Players again. And since we turn 10 Years as Community soon we should get a lot of People together and have some fun and i'll try to be there as well.

Anyway, i added a vote to make ur Opinions even more clear, so keep voting and discussing!

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Re: 10-Map Campaign

Postby Yoschi » Tue Apr 12, 2016 13:16

better disable bots :-)

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Re: 10-Map Campaign

Postby Ninjadeer » Tue Apr 12, 2016 13:23

I'm afraid this would just end up as another setting tweak with no real results.
You can ask yourself would your job and life take less of your time if we did this change :wink: .

I'm not saying this shouldn't be done, just it may not have the consequenses we are hoping for. If the majority thinks they would rather see a fixed rotation instead of choosing the order themselves then it probably has to be so. But we have to keep in mind that after all quite small portion of our playerbase is active on forum.
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Re: 10-Map Campaign

Postby Smadje » Tue Apr 12, 2016 14:38

What I would do is:
- Keep map voting system
- Create a small rotation, with small maps only (icy's one seems ok)
- Add the maps from this rotation to the map voting system and,
- Use Ninja's extra maps system for voteable bigger/less popular maps
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Re: 10-Map Campaign

Postby pompidom_23 » Tue Apr 12, 2016 15:21

Keep voting system!!

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Re: 10-Map Campaign

Postby Troyan » Tue Apr 12, 2016 16:12

There is no big differences between both system tbh. But small yes, there is few. But if you ask me which system is better, imo there is no 1 clear answer.
Voting system is better imo when no admin around. Players can decide which map they want to play. Ofc in Rotation problem with unwanted map disappears when admin is avilable.
In voting system there is problem when there is no map you like to play in poll. Or many times ppl disconecting becouse map they picked loose the poll, and there is like "who vote this... so if you want then play it yourself" or smth like that. Rotation eliminate this ego problems.

But like Cow said, its basicly the same. Now with voting system ppl also playing 6-7 maps in circle.

Campaing mode would be better for sure, with stable high amount of ppl. In current situation... no differences.

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Re: 10-Map Campaign

Postby Polaris » Tue Apr 12, 2016 19:54

Imo 10 basic maps would be a little boring with no change from time to time. A huge step in the right direction would be to enable nextmap voting and to give players a possibility to manage the bots when no admin is around. Most importantly that you can choose both teams at any given time when bots are there, it's just frustrating to play as a defender against bots in a map you don't like.

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Re: 10-Map Campaign

Postby Troyan » Tue Apr 12, 2016 20:28

Polaris wrote:Imo 10 basic maps would be a little boring with no change from time to time.

Rotation could be refreshing from time to time. When we got voting maps, im preaty sure we mostly playing less then 10 maps. Imho campaign is less boring tbh coz it gives you more map variety.
Im not favor 1 of option, but lets be honest. Variety of gameplay not exactly mean how many or what map we are adding to poll, coz we can add every single map we want to. Variety of gameplay is when we Playing thouse maps we got, not when we playing few from what we have.

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Re: 10-Map Campaign

Postby Slash » Wed Apr 13, 2016 12:09

Polaris wrote:Imo 10 basic maps would be a little boring with no change from time to time.

I absolutely agree with this.

Polaris wrote: A huge step in the right direction would be to enable nextmap voting

That might be a good idea aswell.

Polaris wrote: and to give players a possibility to manage the bots when no admin is around.

I would not advise it. It could turn out to be some kind of abuse. Just imagine if there is 2 players 1 of them is a real beginner the other know the maps so can get through easier the bots and he decide to use !landwarx 10 .The other guy (the beginner one) would waste in the flood of bots and left maybe wouldnt come back because he/she doesnt have fun. --> Losing a guest not good for any server or any clan . A better choice would be to add a voting options for botwar (with specified numbers like 10 15 20 25) If it is even possible.

Polaris wrote:Most importantly that you can choose both teams at any given time when bots are there, it's just frustrating to play as a defender against bots in a map you don't like.

Well about this a swap team vote could have solve this problem .

There for my vote is "no"

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Re: 10-Map Campaign

Postby lis » Wed Apr 13, 2016 13:02


Yoschi wrote:better disable bots :-)
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Re: 10-Map Campaign

Postby SpyCow » Wed Apr 13, 2016 16:19

Slash and Yoschi both have excellent points, albeit only Slash's seems realistic. :P
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Re: 10-Map Campaign

Postby DMG_Kowi » Wed Apr 13, 2016 19:17

I think rotation with small maps will be good.

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Re: 10-Map Campaign

Postby Troyan » Wed Apr 13, 2016 20:40

Slash wrote:...A better choice would be to add a voting options for botwar (with specified numbers like 10 15 20 25) If it is even possible.

10/15/20/25 but also 0 is good value :P I heard many times on server: "how can i get ride of bots?" "what to do with bots on spec?".
If you put for example 10 bots on spec and you dont have !kickbots cmd, voted even for landwarx25 will bring only few bots coz thouse bots on spec count aswell to amount.
So it would be good first to get ride of bots on server, if you want to play without bots or if you want to do landwarXY

That would be ok voting option but in 1 condition. Without abusing. We know situation when ppl was useing any bot cmd in wrong way and that situatons was already up in discuss i guess.

Sample situation from last few days:
There was 8-9 ppl on server playing some landwar, then Pompi decided to kickbots and play normal. After 1 map we had 8-9 ppl on each team and normal gameplay which is our goal.
Same situation with voting for bots could be:
Pompi kicking bots, but players voting for landwar and vote pass, bots apears and we dont have more ppl, after 2 maps, killing bots become boring and server again empty.

Put that voting ability for some time to test wont hurt. Maybe we can avoid chaos :loller:

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Re: 10-Map Campaign

Postby empy » Wed Apr 13, 2016 20:46

I proposed this some time ago; however they did not like it. Especially Mr. Moo.

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Re: 10-Map Campaign

Postby SpyCow » Wed Apr 13, 2016 20:51

empy wrote:I proposed this some time ago; however they did not like it. Especially Mr. Moo.

My opinion's changed since then. :mrgreen:
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Re: 10-Map Campaign

Postby Slash » Thu Apr 14, 2016 10:24

Troyan wrote:10/15/20/25 but also 0 is good value :P

Indeed there could be vot options for botwar and for botnumbers aswell.

Troyan wrote:I heard many times on server: "how can i get ride of bots?" "what to do with bots on spec?".
If you put for example 10 bots on spec and you dont have !kickbots cmd, voted even for landwarx25 will bring only few bots coz thouse bots on spec count aswell to amount.
So it would be good first to get ride of bots on server, if you want to play without bots or if you want to do landwarXY

Well about that. If a map start with bots in spec that means bot has no waypoint on that map so botwar would be pointless.
In the other case if someone put the bot spec (as you said they still count) then this person want to do botwar within the same map is hard to imagine. But i have to admit it would be wise to add the kickbot for the same level players whom has the specbot or just remove the specbot command from your system and add commands like !10bots !16bots !20bots !0bots for the well trusted admins. These command suppose to add the specified number of bots in balanced to the 2 teams.

Troyan wrote:Same situation with voting for bots could be:
Pompi kicking bots, but players voting for landwar and vote pass, bots apears and we dont have more ppl, after 2 maps, killing bots become boring and server again empty.

About this situation . People are diffenerent some of them like to play against bots some of them not. A vote is passing cause people want to. But i think 4 v 4 is needed to a good play without bots.

Put that voting ability for some time to test wont hurt. Maybe we can avoid chaos :loller:[/quote]

And for last my personal opinion : I more like to play against bots because they has different classes i dont like to play against a defender team of players where 4of 5 is medic and once they hp low they run away hide and heal . I think this is killing the game more than bots. But as i said its just my opinion and opinion is like a butthole . Everyone has one :P

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Re: 10-Map Campaign

Postby Troyan » Thu Apr 14, 2016 11:54

Slash wrote:And for last my personal opinion : I more like to play against bots because they has different classes i dont like to play against a defender team of players where 4of 5 is medic and once they hp low they run away hide and heal . I think this is killing the game

Im medic most of the time, and tbh i wouldnt mind to reduce some selfhealing abilities. But completely without that selfhealing, medic becoming useless. Medic dont have rifle or arty or panzer\STG, so comparing to classes who can take this weapon medic without healing is defenseless imho

I think there was some discussion about that but, if we can set limit rifles for engi, limit panzer\flamer than maybe we can limit medics per team. That could bring more variety of classes in teams. Imo that could be better solution then reducing healing

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