Transferring profile to new computer

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Transferring profile to new computer

Postby Dushi Dany » Tue Jun 19, 2018 3:07

Dear all,

Trying to move my well earned level + xp from laptop to destktop as i have to hand in my laptop at work at some point hehe...
how do i get the details transferred over nicely so that i get my old profile on my new desktop?

tried to copy profile folder in etmain, but didnt seem to do the trick..

kind regards and thanks in advance :)

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Re: Transferring profile to new computer

Postby Ninjadeer » Tue Jun 19, 2018 5:26

Code: Select all
...\wolfenstein - enemy territory\etmain\etkey
Is the file that server uses to recognize you and give you access to your xp and adminlvl.

Code: Select all
...\wolfenstein - enemy territory\etmain\etcomfig.cfg

Code: Select all
...\wolfenstein - enemy territory\*mod*\profiles\*name*\etconfig.cfg
Are the files containing all your custom settings, such as resolution, binds etc.

As nowadays USB memories are quite cheap and come in all sizes and shapes, you might as well copy everything. ET doesn't require installation as such, but of course copied instance of the game doesn't create startmenu entries and shortcuts automatically.
Image thx for diamond :D

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Re: Transferring profile to new computer

Postby Dr Zoidberg » Tue Jun 19, 2018 20:15

Installing personal stuff on your work computer? are only innocent when people are looking, arnt you? =) ET takes another sweet soul down the drain ...hurray! =)
//Dr Zoidberg

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