Whats up with the admin "Praxxis" (ingame name)?

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Whats up with the admin "Praxxis" (ingame name)?

Postby BierMacGritsch » Thu Nov 29, 2007 17:55


i like the server and like it to play but I think that Praxis is not a good admin:
- He does spawnkill
- He cant lose (all where shooting at our inactives IN SPAWN and i respawned so I fired at the spwankillers and killed Praxxis. 1 second later he warned me for SC. Thats stupid. They are SKing and I try to go out from my spawn and shoot at them and he calls that spawn camping???
- He warns me every time I ask to kick/ban ".es", a playere that makes 70% of his kills by entering the spwan of other team (Spawn-killing). He warns or kicks me (reason: spam and insult) when I ask for kicking es a second time.

is this normal or what?

thank you!

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Postby poring » Thu Nov 29, 2007 18:48

Bier what you are describing right now is absolutly not normal admin behavior on PS servers and it pretty much goes against everything we try to achieve on our servers (Having pleasent and fun expirience :wink: ) and it would be considered admin abuse.

But before making any judgemt or desciotions i would like to hear -|PS|-Tukker's story because like we know every story has two sides to it . . . .

I think i joined about the time the SK was going on, but when i came Praxis (aka -|PS|-Tukker) disconnected about a minute after it, so i didn't see him personaly doing SK or kicking you (Perhaps i missed it because there was a lot of rule braking going and i tryed to get it under control)

Did make you any Screen Shots or a Demo to prove your side ??

P.S : could one of the mods move it to the admin abuse section please :P

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Postby warren-the-ape » Thu Nov 29, 2007 20:25

    Moved: PS5 Discussion :arrow: Admin Abuse

With Poring. When you experience this try to make a demo and/or screenshots, cause this sounds like a serious offence.
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Postby BierMacGritsch » Fri Nov 30, 2007 11:29

Thank you,

will make screenshots next time I have problems with him:

other problem (I forgot):
- all are spawnkilling and i wrote 3 times in chat "Plz stop sk" and he warned me for spaming - antic.

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Postby landser » Fri Nov 30, 2007 12:36

ya its a bit fidderent with PS5 ... we got no that musch regulars on PS5, so i want the members to punuhsh no that hard the rulebraeks ... sryd rinken :/

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Postby Sebbel » Fri Nov 30, 2007 12:42

landser wrote:ya its a bit fidderent with PS5 ... we got no that musch regulars on PS5, so i want the members to punuhsh no that hard the rulebraeks ... sryd rinken :/

omg lands ?

its almost 12 ... and u are drunk?


sorry offtopic^^

but i must admit i dont understand completely the sense of what u wrote :P
members should not punish to hard because of less regulars ?
well this case seems to be converse.. if it happens that way :P
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Postby tukker » Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:38

Don't feel like typing a whole story for this one.

but here yah go:

-You were spamming, and I warned you. You accused someone off spawnkilling. I kick you, becaused you spammed that sentence. You were warned so imo that was right.
-I can't remember anything of your SC thing, maybe get some ppl who saw it?
-About the eS. thing.. Well he didn't SK, and I warn because you spam.

Damn need more words?

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Postby BierMacGritsch » Sat Dec 01, 2007 12:55

.es pointed his artillery fire INTO our spawn. And not only once. Then I asked to stop SK. but nothing happend. So I asked it some more times and u warned me. But the question is: what is more worse? Spam or spawn kill? If you kicked him I had no reason to "spam" telling him to stop sk.
And you are a SKer too. You fired the granades into our spawn and killed the inactive players. Then I respawned and killed you. Then u warnd me for SC.
next time I will try to make a demo and/or take screenshots!

Conclusion: You are a bad admin!

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Postby tukker » Sat Dec 01, 2007 17:57

aaaaaaaaaaaah don't make me laugh too hard :')

Maybe I didn't see that eS. was spawnkilling? Maybe I don't see everything what happens? 'Bout the SC thing, I can't remember, maybe get some proofs?

This is your word against mine, so proof it!

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Postby BierMacGritsch » Sat Dec 01, 2007 18:06

I know that no one can see everything but you can read the chat and i wrote that he should stop sk with heavy weapon! Everyone could see that his artillery was killing us IN our spawn. You could see it too because you where there and fired at us when we came out from the spawn with 50% of health.

I hope you are more fair in the future - nothing more!

thank you!

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Postby tukker » Sat Dec 01, 2007 19:04

If I was unfair, I'll be more fair in the future ;)

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Postby BierMacGritsch » Sat Dec 01, 2007 19:05


thank you!

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Postby Scit257 » Sat Dec 01, 2007 19:45

I saw "es" SK with arty and airstrike too in the last days on the oasis map. he was axxis. He didn´t stop until admin warned. Seems that this happens often and this is a shitty behaviour cause it shows that he´ll SK if there´s no admin around(e.g. at night)!

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