Abuse and don't help -|PS|-Spyhawk

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Abuse and don't help -|PS|-Spyhawk

Postby Cerber » Sun Jan 24, 2010 19:27

I though that PS members and admins should always help players. On server was Landser and Spyhawk I ask Spy to help me and do !maps because i can't, i wanna know what is next. So i ask him two time he don't answer me and ask why. Ask again and he gave me mute...... This is helpful PS Member or Abuse PS Member?
He don't gave me reason about muted :(


PS: I know my english is very bad but I all time learn it and wanna be better:D

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Postby landser » Sun Jan 24, 2010 19:43

ya, i was at PS5 at this time but probably too busy with playing, didnt notice that ...


[et_code]18:06:57 say: ^*^(Ce^2rb^(er: who can do maps?

18:07:01 say: ^*^(Ce^2rb^(er: pls:D

18:07:12 say: ^q-|^wPS^q|-^wSpyhaw^qk: no

18:07:31 say: ^*^(Ce^2rb^(er: Bou are u here?

18:07:46 say: ^*^(Ce^2rb^(er: Nismo?

18:08:32 say: ^*^(Ce^2rb^(er: !listplayers

18:08:47 say: ^*^(Ce^2rb^(er: Spy pls do maps

18:09:06 say: ^1Pajib^0a^1t ^3L^2T^1U: sory

18:09:10 say: ^*^(Ce^2rb^(er: Spy pls do maps

18:09:14 say: ^q-|^wPS^q|-^wSpyhaw^qk: no

18:09:16 say: ^*^(Ce^2rb^(er: y

18:09:32 say: ^wsO^yuf^pyA^wn^d#^rR^3!^1f: haha

18:09:43 say: ^q-|^wPS^q|-^wSpyhaw^qk: lol

18:10:29 say: ^*^(Ce^2rb^(er: !listplayers

18:10:50 say: ^*^(Ce^2rb^(er: oh guys do !mpas pls:P

18:10:59 say: ^q-|^wPS^q|-^wSpyhaw^qk: !mute cerber 120

18:11:57 say: ^wsO^yuf^pyA^wn^d#^rR^3!^1f: omg a miracle

18:11:59 say: ^wsO^yuf^pyA^wn^d#^rR^3!^1f: we won

18:12:07 say: ^q-|^wPS^q|-^wSpyhaw^qk: good job allies

18:12:12 say: wonder: ooooooooooooo yes

18:12:24 say: ^1Pajib^0a^1t ^3L^2T^1U: CZEST

18:12:59 say: ^*^(Ce^2rb^(er: Spyhawk maybe give me reason!?

18:13:11 say: ^q-|^wPS^q|-^wSpyhaw^qk: you ask 3 times, i said no two times

18:13:21 say: ^*^(Ce^2rb^(er: but reason why not!

18:13:27 saybuddy: ^8papy^9boom: h.mp

18:13:43 say: ^q-|^wPS^q|-^wSpyhaw^qk: because allies was near the point to win.. or not

18:13:46 say: ^q-|^wPS^q|-^wSpyhaw^qk: and they win

18:14:03 say: ^*^(Ce^2rb^(er: and this is cause:O

18:14:08 say: ^q-|^wPS^q|-^wSpyhaw^qk: yes

18:14:12 say: ^*^(Ce^2rb^(er: u cant write maps-.-

18:14:23 say: ^*^(Ce^2rb^(er: and u mute me

18:14:26 say: ^*^(Ce^2rb^(er: ....

18:14:30 say: ^q-|^wPS^q|-^wSpyhaw^qk: yes, exactly


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Postby Cerber » Sun Jan 24, 2010 19:45

"because allies was near the point to win.. or not "

And this is cause to give me mute???? Cant wrote it? And cant do !mpas?:/

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Postby Spyhawk » Sun Jan 24, 2010 19:47

Ok, first of all, this post should be in the "Abuse admin section".

Second point : you're totally right, I muted you for 120 sec.
However, I thought you asked to change maps, not to list these. As you weren't playing, I simply thought that you didn't like the map and wanted to play another one (I was also concentrated on the game, and didn't really noticed your request).
You asked twice, I answered both time "no" and muted you on the 3rd time,

I also explained that "everyone was playing" on the next map (meaning : "I don't want to interrupt the game because someone doesn't like the map").

I deeply apologise for this :oops: and this is totally my bad. I have been away from ET for a pretty long time (1 year) and didn't realise that you were asking for the listing of the map (actually, I don't even know if I am able to change map with my current level on PS#5).

I hope I won't do such mistake in the future, and promise to revise my ET commands :) If you mind forgiving me for this, I hope we will be able to have great fight on PS#5 together again :P

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Postby Cerber » Sun Jan 24, 2010 19:58

On forum you are very nice and pleasant(in play was diffrent). Maybe you didn't thought that i go on forum but ok ok. I forgive your mistake. :D

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Postby Spyhawk » Sun Jan 24, 2010 20:03

Thanks :)

No, it was really a mistake from my side. I was asking to myself "wtf this guy is whining again, when I told him twice that I wouldn't change the map" :roll:

If I were a bad guy, I wouldn't have abused you when the PS founder was watching everything, would I ? :P

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Postby Rainbow » Sun Jan 24, 2010 21:29

I thought !maps is for list the current cycle :roll:
And not only members has access to that, many people can do it.

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Postby icefrost » Sun Jan 24, 2010 22:38


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