PS2 and problem with k43
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- DzikaLocha
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:00
- Location: Poland
PS2 and problem with k43
I have problem with play as covert with k43 on PS2(only on noquarter), olways after 1 shot k43 make autoreloud.
Many time ago i used snpier mode script in cfg, maybe this bug is caused by this, haw repair this or haw put default parameter for sniper in cfg?
I have problem with play as covert with k43 on PS2(only on noquarter), olways after 1 shot k43 make autoreloud.
Many time ago i used snpier mode script in cfg, maybe this bug is caused by this, haw repair this or haw put default parameter for sniper in cfg?
- warren-the-ape
- Posts: 6378
- Joined: Tue May 09, 2006 0:00
- Location: Netherlands
Re: PS2 and problem with k43
DzikaLocha wrote:Many time ago i used snpier mode script in cfg, maybe this bug is caused by this
And did you remove that script or is it still active?
Post your current No Quarter config(s) here, perhaps you're overlooking something or there still some left-overs from that script (if you removed it earlier).
Another simple solution would be to backup your current config, remove your config from the no quarter (profile) folder and re-connect to a NQ server. This will generate a new config based on your etmain profile.
If the problem is gone, compare the 2 configs with each other
"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend."
- DzikaLocha
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:00
- Location: Poland
Re: PS2 and problem with k43
warren-the-ape wrote:Another simple solution would be to backup your current config, remove your config from the no quarter (profile) folder and re-connect to a NQ server. This will generate a new config based on your etmain profile.
If the problem is gone, compare the 2 configs with each other
When i do this all returned to default only problem with k43 remained...
By 5 years i have 4GB in ET folder and big trash, long time i was doing nothing with cfg, and i dont remember what comand are doing what, and from who i have this.
and sorry for my english
here is my autoexec.cfg:
- Code: Select all
seta cg_lagometer "0"
seta cg_drawFPS "1"
seta r_dynamiclight "0" //określa czy widzimy dynamiczne światła
seta cg_drawReinforcementTime "1"
seta r_colorbits "32" // (16/32)określa ogólną głębię kolorów (w bitach)
seta r_texturebit "32" // (16/32)określa głębię kolorów tekstury (w bitach)
seta r_fullbright "0" //ustawia max. rozjaśnienie
seta r_ignorehwgamma 0 // "1/0" określa czy wartości gamma w windowsie są brane przez grę pod uwagę czy nie.
seta r_coronas "0" // wyłancza otoczki wokół świateł
seta cg_coronafardist "0" // dystans z jakiego widac cg_coronas = 1
seta r_vertexLight "1" // wyłancza światło wierzchołkowe
seta r_mapOverBrightBits "4" // lightens shadowy part of a map nie wiadomo czy ok
seta "b_backupcvars" "0" // (default 1) generowanie bakupów
seta "r_dynamiclight" "1" // (1) swiecace okregi wokol strzelajacych... ulatwia namierzanie wroga
seta "cg_bobroll" "0" // ruszanie sie ekranu
seta "cg_bobpitch" "0" // ruszanie sie ekranu
seta "cg_bobup" "0" // ruszanie sie ekranu
seta "cg_bobya" "0" // ruszanie sie ekranu
seta "cg_runpitch" "0" // ruszanie sie ekranu
seta "cg_runroll" "0" // ruszanie sie ekranu
set "cg_drawCrosshair" "5" // rodzaj celownika
seta "cg_shadows" "0" // cienie (=0 brak, =1 okragla plama, =2 hex (pb cheat)
seta "cg_fastSky" "1" // niebo niskiej jakości
seta "cg_drawSun" "1" // wyłancza słońce
seta "cg_wolffog" "0" // ma być na 0 :)
seta b_muzzleflash "0" // rozbłysk jak sie strzela
seta b_tracers "0" // tory posicków
seta "cg_coronafardist" "0" // dystans z jakiego widac cg_coronas = 1
seta "cg_simpleitems" "1" // nie dziala w ET
seta "b_hitsounds" "1" // hitsound on/off
seta r_mapoverbrightbits "3" // rozjasnia ciemne miejsca
//seta shooton "+attack; m_pitch 0.01501; +sprint"
//seta shootoff "-attack; m_pitch 0.01801; -sprint"
//bind mouse1 "+vstr shooton shootoff"
//Jump script made by Nap0
//bind c "vstr sj"
//set sj "+sprint;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;+moveup;wait;-sprint;wait;-moveup;com_maxfps "125"
seta com_maxfps "125" //określa max. liczbę klatek na sekunde, które pozwalają dalej skakać to: 43, 76, 125 lub 333
seta pmove_fixed "1"
set cg_atmosphericeffects 0
set cg_wolfparticles 0
//Rain, Snow
//set opady0 "echo ^1RAIN/SNOW ^7OFF; set cg_atmosphericeffects 0; set opady vstr opady1"
//set opady1 "echo ^1RAIN/SNOW ^7ON; set cg_atmosphericeffects 1; set opady vstr opady0"
//set opady "vstr opady0"
//bind "F5" "vstr opady"
//set dym0 "echo ^1SMOKE ^7OFF; set cg_wolfparticles 0; set dym vstr dym1"
//set dym1 "echo ^1SMOKE ^7ON; cg_wolfparticles 1; set dym vstr dym0"
////set dym "vstr dym0"
//bind "F6" "vstr dym"
//set gun0 "echo ^1GUN ^7OFF; set cg_drawgun 0; set gun vstr gun1"
//set gun1 "echo ^1GUN ^7ON; set cg_drawgun 1; set gun vstr gun0"
//set gun "vstr gun0"
//bind "F7" "vstr gun"
//fps toggler
//bind 0 "vstr fps_s"
seta fps_00 "set fps_s vstr fps_01;com_maxfps "333";echo ^8[^zFPS 333^8]"
seta fps_01 "set fps_s vstr fps_02;com_maxfps "125";echo ^8[^zFPS 125^8]"
seta fps_02 "set fps_s vstr fps_03;com_maxfps "76";echo ^8[^zFPS 76^8]"
seta fps_03 "set fps_s vstr fps_00;com_maxfps "43";echo ^8[^zFPS 43^8]"
seta fps_s "vstr fps_00"
seta cl_timenudge "0" // (0 to-50)
seta cl_maxpackets "100" // (20-100)
seta cl_packetdup "1" // (1-0)
seta snaps "40" // (20-40)
seta cg_predictitems "0"
seta rate "25000"
seta r_mode "8" //4=800 6=1024 8=1280 // (-1) było ] pozwala używać własnej rozdzielczości, o ile jest ona możliwa do wyświetlenia na twoim monitorze.
seta "r_customwidth" "1280" // określa twój własny parametr szerokości, 1024 jest dość standardowym.
seta "r_customheight" "1024" // określa wysokość w w/w przypadku, 768 jest także standardowym wymiarem podanym dla przykładu.
//Memory allocation (512mb)
seta com_hunkMegs "320" //polecam te ustawienia dla kazdej ilosci pamieci dla i powyzej 256mega(320)
seta com_soundMegs "64" //ilosc pamieci przeznaczona na dzwiek
// make screen bright so you can see better
r_gamma 1.9; r_intensity 1.3; r_mapoverbrightbits 3
set recoilon "+attack; wait 12; -attack; +lookdown; wait 7; -lookdown"
set recoiloff "bind mouse1 +attack"
set 1 "cl_pitchspeed 140; com_maxfps 41; bind mouse1 vstr recoilon; vstr 4"
set 2 "com_maxfps 125; vstr recoiloff; vstr 5; "
set 4 "bind 9 vstr 2 ; echo ^0[^7Sniper Mode^0/^7ON^0]^7 "
set 5 "bind 9 vstr 1 ; echo ^0[^7Sniper Mode^0/^7OF^0]^7 "
//bind 9 "vstr 1"
Seta cl_run "1"
Seta cl_doubletapdelay "0"
Seta cg_autoReload "1"
Seta cg_noAmmoAutoSwitch "1"
Seta cg_drawWeaponIconFlash "1"
seta cg_drawgun "1"
Seta cg_useWeapsForZoom "1"
Seta cg_zoomDefaultSniper "20"
Seta cg_zoomstepsniper "4"
bind KP_INS "setspawnpt 0 ; echo spawn: ^1default "
bind KP_END "setspawnpt 1 ; echo spawn: ^11 "
bind KP_DOWNARROW "setspawnpt 2 ; echo spawn: ^12 "
bind KP_PGDN "setspawnpt 3 ; echo spawn: ^13 "
bind KP_LEFTARROW "setspawnpt 4 ; echo spawn: ^14 "
bind KP_5 "setspawnpt 5 ; echo spawn: ^15 "
bind KP_RIGHTARROW "setspawnpt 6 ; echo spawn: ^16 "
//bind F9 "mvactivate"
bind 1 "weaponbank 1"
bind 2 "weaponbank 4"
bind 4 "weaponbank 3"
bind 3 "weaponbank 2"
bind 7 "weaponbank 7"
// Binocular-Script//
bind b "+zoom"
bind v "mp_quickmessage"
bind t "messagemode"
bind u "messagemode3"
bind backspace "vstr spawnswitch"
bind KP_ENTER "mp_fireteamadmin"
//bind F4 "autoscreenshot"
bind SHIFT "+speed"
bind CAPSLOCK "+sprint"
//Skrypt na atak artylerią
//bind mouse5 "+zoom;+attack;-attack;-zoom"
bind CTRL "+topshots"
bind ALT "+stats"
bind z "+movedown"
bind mouse5 "weaponbank 6"
// Press this key ( F7 ) to view the scores and your stats.
//bind F7 "vstr st"
//set st "vstr statisticsall"
//set statisticsall "vstr statistics"
//set statistics "+topshots;+stats;set statisticsall vstr statistics2"
//set statistics2 "-topshots;-stats;set statisticsall vstr statistics"
// Myszka
seta cg_bobpitch "0"
seta cg_bobroll "0"
seta cg_bobup "0"
seta cg_bobyaw "0"
seta cg_crosshairpulse "0" //pulsowanie celownika przy strzalach
seta cg_crosshairColor "white" //glowny kolor celownika
seta cg_crosshairalpha "1" //przezroczystosc celownika - kolor glowny(od 0 do 1)
seta cg_crosshairColorAlt "black" //drugi kolor celownika
seta cg_crosshairAlphaAlt "1" //przezroczystosc celownika - drugi kolor(od 0 do 1)
seta cg_crosshairHealth "0" //kolor glowny zmienia sie wraz z otrzymywaniem obrazen
seta cg_crosshairsize "40" //wielkosc celownika (polecam 40 przy 1024x768)
seta cg_drawcrosshair "5" //rodzaj celownika (5 = kropka)
bind mwheelup seta "cg_fov 90;sensitivity 3.0;cg_crosshairsize "40"
bind mwheeldown seta "cg_fov 110;sensitivity 3.5;cg_crosshairsize "40"
// selfkill
bind n "kill
// voice cheat
bind g "vsay_team fireinthehole"
^0::. "
bind i "vsay Cheer"
bind p "playdead"
bind / "vsay Hi"
bind . "vsay Bye "
bind K "vsay Thanks"
bind h "vsay_team Incoming"
bind o "vsay_team Sorry "
//bind ] "vsay Negative ^1Please does not request about recruitment, if you are nice/good/ player, we ask you, maybe ;) "
//bind [ "vsay Negative ^1Please does not request about level, if you are nice/good player you will get lev, maybe... ;) "
bind ' "vsay Affirmative "
// Press these keys to increase or decrease your gamma ingame.
bind "KP_PLUS" "vstr gup"
bind "KP_MINUS" "vstr gdn"
set gdn vstr gamma00
set gup vstr gamma01
set gamma00 "set r_gamma 0.9;set gdn vstr gamma00;set gup vstr gamma01;
set gamma01 "set r_gamma 1.0;set gdn vstr gamma00;set gup vstr gamma02;
set gamma02 "set r_gamma 1.1;set gdn vstr gamma01;set gup vstr gamma03;
set gamma03 "set r_gamma 1.2;set gdn vstr gamma02;set gup vstr gamma04;
set gamma04 "set r_gamma 1.3;set gdn vstr gamma03;set gup vstr gamma05;
set gamma05 "set r_gamma 1.4;set gdn vstr gamma04;set gup vstr gamma06;
set gamma06 "set r_gamma 1.5;set gdn vstr gamma05;set gup vstr gamma07;
set gamma07 "set r_gamma 1.6;set gdn vstr gamma06;set gup vstr gamma08;
set gamma08 "set r_gamma 1.7;set gdn vstr gamma07;set gup vstr gamma09;
set gamma09 "set r_gamma 1.8;set gdn vstr gamma08;set gup vstr gamma10;
set gamma10 "set r_gamma 2;set gdn vstr gamma09;set gup vstr gamma10;
// zmiana niczka
seta name "^1D^7zika^0_^1L^7ocha"
bind F10 "vstr chooseNick; play sound\menu\select.wav"
bind F11 "vstr setNick; play sound\menu\cancel.wav"
seta chooseNick1 "echo ^l>^zNick: ^1D^7zika^0_^1L^7ocha; set chooseNick vstr chooseNick5; set setNick set name ^1D^7zika^0_^1L^7ocha"
seta chooseNick2 "echo ^l>^zNick: ^1P^7orn^1S^7tar^5ssss; set chooseNick vstr chooseNick5; set setNick set name ^1P^7orn^1S^7tar^5ssss"
seta chooseNick3 "echo ^l>^zNick: ^7T^0f^7C^7/^1/^0Loszka; set chooseNick vstr chooseNick4; set setNick set name ^7T^0f^7C^7/^1/^0Loszka"
seta chooseNick4 "echo ^l>^zNick: ^0Loszka; set chooseNick vstr chooseNick5; set setNick set name ^0Loszka"
seta chooseNick5 "echo ^l>^zNick: ^1D^7zika ^1L^7ocha; set chooseNick vstr chooseNick7; set setNick set name ^1D^7zika ^1L^7ocha"
seta chooseNick6 "echo ^l>^zNick: ^0D^1z^0i^1k^0a ^1L^0o^1c^0h^1a; set chooseNick vstr chooseNick7; set setNick set name ^0D^1z^0i^1k^0a ^1L^0o^1c^0h^1a"
seta chooseNick7 "echo ^l>^zNick: ^0misiar; set chooseNick vstr chooseNick5; set setNick set name ^0misiar"
seta chooseNick "vstr chooseNick1"
seta setNick "echo ^l>^zNick: ^7Wybierz nick!!!"
//bind "F10" "vstr nicktoggle"
//set nick1 "name ^1D^7zika^0_^1L^7ocha ;set nicktoggle vstr nick2"
//set nick2 "name ^7T^0f^7C^7/^1/^0Loszka ;set nicktoggle vstr nick3"
//set nick3 "name ^1P^7orn^1S^7tar^5ssss ; set nicktoggle vstr nick4"
//set nick4 "name ^1D^7zika^0_^1L^7ocha^5ssss ;set nicktoggle vstr nick5"
//set nick5 "name ^0misiar ;set nicktoggle vstr nick1"
//set nicktoggle "vstr nick1"
bind ] "exec alies.cfg; team b 1 8 37; vstr cfg_f; vstr allies_class; vstr allies_spawns; vote no; echo ^dA^7llies; play sound\menu\select.wav"
bind \ "exec axis.cfg; team r 1 3 38; vstr cfg_f; vstr axis_class; vstr axis_spawns; echo ^1A^7xis; vote no; play sound\menu\select.wav"
bind del "team spectator; echo ^8S^7pectator; play sound\menu\select.wav"
bind 9 "timerset 0"
bind 8 "vstr choosespawn; play sound\menu\filter.wav""
bind 0 "vstr setspawn; play sound\menu\cancel.wav"
set choosespawn1 "echo ^7timerset ^135; set choosespawn vstr choosespawn2; bind 7 vstr timer35"
set choosespawn2 "echo ^7timerset ^130; set choosespawn vstr choosespawn3; bind 7 vstr timer30"
set choosespawn3 "echo ^7timerset ^125; set choosespawn vstr choosespawn4; bind 7 vstr timer25"
set choosespawn4 "echo ^7timerset ^120; set choosespawn vstr choosespawn5; bind 7 vstr timer20"
set choosespawn5 "echo ^7timerset ^115; set choosespawn vstr choosespawn1; bind 7 vstr timer15"
set choosespawn "vstr choosespawn1"
set timer35 "timerset 35; play sound\world\rooster.wav"
set timer30 "timerset 30; play sound\world\rooster.wav"
set timer25 "timerset 25; play sound\world\rooster.wav"
set timer20 "timerset 20; play sound\world\rooster.wav"
set timer15 "timerset 15; play sound\world\rooster.wav"
thanks for your interest in my problem
- warren-the-ape
- Posts: 6378
- Joined: Tue May 09, 2006 0:00
- Location: Netherlands
Hmm, lots of crap + a lot of double cvars as well. If I were you I would take 5 minutes to remove the double and commented-out (unused) entries
Some entries like;
are kinda 'biting' each other, if you know what i mean
Have you tried removing (or commenting-out) the following part;
Problems are usually easier to spot after you cleaned things up.
Some entries like;
- Code: Select all
seta r_mapOverBrightBits "4"
seta r_mapoverbrightbits "3"
// make screen bright so you can see better
r_gamma 1.9; r_intensity 1.3; r_mapoverbrightbits 3
are kinda 'biting' each other, if you know what i mean
Have you tried removing (or commenting-out) the following part;
- Code: Select all
set recoilon "+attack; wait 12; -attack; +lookdown; wait 7; -lookdown"
set recoiloff "bind mouse1 +attack"
set 1 "cl_pitchspeed 140; com_maxfps 41; bind mouse1 vstr recoilon; vstr 4"
set 2 "com_maxfps 125; vstr recoiloff; vstr 5; "
set 4 "bind 9 vstr 2 ; echo ^0[^7Sniper Mode^0/^7ON^0]^7 "
set 5 "bind 9 vstr 1 ; echo ^0[^7Sniper Mode^0/^7OF^0]^7 "
//bind 9 "vstr 1"
Problems are usually easier to spot after you cleaned things up.
"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend."
- DzikaLocha
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:00
- Location: Poland
Thanks, but nothing not help.
Play as covert is not a passion of my life, so i will have to survive it somehow
Play as covert is not a passion of my life, so i will have to survive it somehow
- DzikaLocha
- Posts: 6
- Joined: Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:00
- Location: Poland
Sorry for confusion, i have not checked everything well...
K43 auto relouded only when i still pressed right mouse button , when i only push to on zoom is ok.
But is not normal too, on different mods this phenomenon does not appear
K43 auto relouded only when i still pressed right mouse button , when i only push to on zoom is ok.
But is not normal too, on different mods this phenomenon does not appear
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