PS12 is now PS11 /holy root off
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PS12 is now PS11 /holy root off
because of hollys root (there were PS9 - 11) the other servers will take these now free places:
i hope our friends the a12s will rename there server a12sPS11 server, thx!
i hope our friends the a12s will rename there server a12sPS11 server, thx!
- warren-the-ape
- Posts: 6380
- Joined: Tue May 09, 2006 0:00
- Location: Netherlands
Was it not better to just make 1 topic about it?
But anyway nice to see that the nmbr of ps servers is shrinking a bit.
Holly did u closed them on purpose or were there problems?
Glad that you were willing to sacriface those servers
p.s. does Nic now has 4 servers? cause it were 3 before, or is PS9 still from
ok wait, made a mistake; so PS9 is now the Warserver
(and Nic already owned -loll 4 servers)

But anyway nice to see that the nmbr of ps servers is shrinking a bit.
Holly did u closed them on purpose or were there problems?
Glad that you were willing to sacriface those servers

p.s. does Nic now has 4 servers? cause it were 3 before, or is PS9 still from
ok wait, made a mistake; so PS9 is now the Warserver

(and Nic already owned -loll 4 servers)
"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend." 

yea i think it's good, like warren said, the number of ps servers are shrinking a bit. now we have 11 ps servers, it's really easyier to handle that anyway.
or the warserver is now ps #9 uncle warren

warren wrote:ok wait, made a mistake; so PS9 is now the Warserver
or the warserver is now ps #9 uncle warren

"Some people believe football is a matter of life and death.
I am very disappointed with that attitude.
I can assure you it is much, much more important than that."
I am very disappointed with that attitude.
I can assure you it is much, much more important than that."
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