Mafia game 9: Join now!

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Mafia game 9: Join now!

Postby Timon » Sun Jul 12, 2009 15:26


It's full summer time now! You got Your holidays but you're not doing anything special? Kill the boredom by joining the upcomming mafia game! You won't regret it!

Last game was won by the mafia, time for a revange innocents...

So be prepared to visit the game at least twice per day!

But what the hell is it? - You ask. Here comes an explanation.

The Mafia Game is a Forum game, meaning the game takes place on this forum by replying and reading topics. You will either play role as one of the good guys (innocents) trying to vote out the bad guys (mafia) or vice versa.

For those who have NEVER played the game (or still do not understand its fanciness), try to summarize some of the text below in your head.

The Roles of the Mafia Game

Each player of this game gets assigned a role which they are to play.
The role is received by PM from the Narrator (admin) of the game.
Your role is only for you to know and NO ONE ELSE!

This game introduces couple of brand new roles!

The Innocent roles

Detective (1)
You are the Detective. During each night you may select any one person to investigate and if you survive the night I will tell you what their role is. You may send me your PM at any time during the day or night. Obviously, it is better if you can wait until night so that you can make the smartest decision. Use this strong power well. The town is counting on you

Doctor (1)
You are the Doctor. During each night you may select one person to protect and that person will not die if they are the target of the mafia attack. You may protect yourself if you wish. You can protect somebody from a Mafia/vigilante hit, but not from the town decision's kill. Use this strong power well. The town is counting on you

Vigilante (1)
You are the Vigilante. Once and only once during the game, you may send me a PM and say that you elect to kill any one other player. If you are still alive that night, you will sneak out to their house and kill them. You are an innocent, so you should choose someone you strongly believe to be mafia. However, you only get one chance to perform this action, so you have to act before you are killed.

Innocent Bystander (1) *updated abilities*
You are an Innocent Bystander. You have the ability to stumble into a Mafia meeting once during the game. You decide when. If the Mafia plan a hit, you will get the name of one Mafia member. But be careful! If Mafia is performing no actions that night (no kill, no abilities), You will get no name and your ability is lost. Aim well, the town is counting on you.

Bullet Proof (1)
You are Bulletproof. You are protected from a Mafia/vigilante hit. You are not safe from a Hitman hit. You can off course be lynched by the townsvote, just like everybody else. Use this strong power well. The town is counting on you.

Channeler (1)
A special innocent. Since a child he/she has been talking with the dead and practiced dark arts.
Skill: -The only person who is allowed to talk with the dead
- Can hypnosize the mod to say what ever ONE dead person wants to say ONCE IN A DAY
-> The channeler says the mod which dead guy is allowed to give the message -> Mod receives the message -> Mod does silly dance and announces it in the main chatter.

Lawyer (1)
You are one handsome lawyer who has just graduated from Harvard.
You have the ability to once every day send me a PM with a name of a guy you would like to protect. So one vote against him is cancelled and maybe you will be able to save him from getting lynched.

Masons (2)
Masons are members of ancient group where every member knows each other. They are also allowed to invite one more member to their pack, but they cannot know if their chosen one is a mafioso or innocent. Its
all about the instinct.

Celebrite (1) *new role*
You are rich and famous person. Also well know by everyone. Once during the game You are able to reveal Your role. You decide when. You are the only one who can do it. Then town people are sure - You are innocent. You have the authority. Use your power wisely.

Officer (1) *new role*
You are high ranked policeman. You have acces to records. You can ONCE in the whole game read one person's files and get info about that person (name+role+actions performed by this person and on this person). You can choose a person who is already dead if You wish. Remember that if You manage to use Your ability on 2 particular roles, You'll get more info:
-reading Detective's files: getting know his invastigations (names+roles),
-reading Silencer's files: getting know names of all people silenced.

Bodyguard (1) *new role*
You are an experienced protector. You can choose one player at the beginning od the game who will be immune from Hitman attack. However Hitman will NOT lose his ability after failing to kill that person. This is all about luck and instinct.
What's more You can't be Bribed or Silenced. However if You decide to vote when silenced mafia will surely spot you.

If there will be more players than that I'll pick roles from the following list:
Barman, Martyr, Journalist, Ghost, Criminologist, Tail, Construction Worker, Mechanic, P.I.M.P, Roadrunner, Manlover, (eventually plain innocents and Reviver).

The Mobster roles

Hitman (1)
You are the Hitman.
You are part of the Mafia and take part of all the decision making.
You can however take right into you own hands once during the game and PM me with a name to be killed. Your hit is too sneaky for the Bulletproof's armour, so you can kill him, unlike the regular Mafia hits.

Briber (1) *updated abilities*
You are a Briber. You can bribe EVERY role but only ONCE. That means you can stop somebody from using his ability or change his target. But be careful! If the person You want to bribe is NOT using his ability at that time, the bribery will FAIL and You can't do it again on the same person.

Silencer (1) *updated abilities*
You are the silencer. With your steroid muscle body and a lot of gunpower you are able to scare the Prime-Squadron spirit out of any PSland citizens.
Therefore you can make them incapable of voting for 1 day. You can do this every night. However You are NOT allowed to choose the same person TWICE in a row.

Forger (1) *new role*
You are a skillful Forger. Your skill is to make up evidence of false role. In other words when someone dies you can decide which role will be shown in the player list. For example: Lawyer dies and Forger decides that Lawyer will be shown as Detective. You can even fake Your own role death!

Torturer (1)
You are the Torturer.
Your ability is to one night take things in your own hands and break into an innocent's house and torture him/her until they reveal their real identity (role).

If there will be more players than that I'll pick roles from the following list:
Prostitute, Thug, Mole.

Secret role

Mayor (1)
You are the Mayor of this town.
Therefore you are able to vote twice when lynching someone. The Mayor sends his secret vote to the Narrator who will then add it in the Game when counting votes. The other vote you can, just as everyone else, put in the game. Mayor is elected before the game begins by PM voting.

I apologise that I haven't posted a description of every role but it's simply to much. You can be lost in this flow of new roles as much as I am. But don't worry! Once the registration is over, number of players is known and roles are picked, I'll wait for some time so You can read every description in mafia forum.

Ye, fine, but I can't enter mafia forum! Again no worries! After the registration is over You will get acces to mafia forum and You'll be able to get familiar with the game.

Ok, I know the roles, but how do you actually play this stuff?

Play proceeds as follows:

Each participant gets their role assigned via PM. Mafia players are advised who the other mafioso are. Mafia players are permitted to interact with each other via PM, innocents may only interact in public on the posted thread. Mafia players will, of course, also post on the public thread as well.

The game has 2 phases, "night" and "day". Typically 24 hours each (to allow enough time for infrequent posters). But previous games showed that one phase can even last for 3 normal days.

During the "night" phase of the game, the mafia will send me PMs indicating which innocent they intend to kill during that round of play. The mafia's victim will be selected by majority vote. If they are dumb enough not to have a majority in their PMs, then no innocent will be killed on that turn. However it might happen that other roles actions will prevent mafia from doing their kill. For example: mafia will fail to kill somebody protected by the Doctor. Roles which can use their abilities may send their PMs both at night and during the day. Effects which should be shown to publicity will be included in stories posted at the beginning of every phase.

Once I posted the results of the PMs, the "day" phase of the game begins. During the day phase, the players who are still alive discuss who they think might be a mafioso and vote for someone to kill. The mafioso are posing as innocents during the day and they also vote with the innocents. A majority of votes is required to reach a decision. If there are 15 innocents alive, then 8 people must vote for the same person in order to "lynch" them. When the person is lynched, I will reveal if they were innocent or mafia and we will begin the cycle again at the top.

Once a player is "dead", he can no longer post anything of substance to the thread. Exception is a Ghost role but it's not sure thing that it will take part in the upcomming game.

If there is a channeler:
Dead can't send any messages through mod without channelers approving.

Pm's of the moderator are for your eyes and your eyes only!
Do not post them anywhere and do NOT show them to any one! Violation of this rule leads to instant kill in the game.

In the contrary:
- Unnecessary role revelation will result DEATH This means telling your role/lieng you role without being getting voted out by majority is NOT ALLOWED.
- You ARE ALLOWED to tell your role/lie your role if you are being voted out by majority (>50% of votes are to lynch you out)

2 new rules:

Silencing fellow mafia is now allowed. From now one poeple claiming themselves to be silenced are not 100% innocents.

If I receive 2 or more PMs with opposing actions ( fe: Hitman going to kill innocent and Vigilant going to kill Hitman) the action included in EARLIER PM will be performed as FIRST. So keep in mind to send me a PM rather than waiting for me at xfire ;)

The game ends when the innocents have lynched all the mafia players or the mafia have killed enough innocents that the innocents can no longer muster enough votes to lynch any mafia players.

Phew...You've gone throught all this text at last. You know the rules and you are eager to play.

Now it is time to join!

I don't know how long will the registration take (1 week approximately). The beginning of the game depends on Your free time which some claim to have very few. For me we can start even today because I've got all prepared already :)

Code: Select all
List of players:

I repeat: joining guarantee you access to our special Mafia game section on the forums where the game takes place.

If you have any further questions after reading this guide, please ask them here or on our special Rules and Question topic at the Mafia forums. You can also send me a PM or catch me at xfire (xidanix). If you have any further question without reading the text above, read it first (laziness is an illness You know?)

*We've made an exception and allowed those 2 guys to play ONE role but with a change. Chris is playing first and at 25th Saukko replaces him.
Last edited by Timon on Sat Jul 18, 2009 20:22, edited 17 times in total.

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Postby stephan » Sun Jul 12, 2009 15:53

sign me up

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Postby Ninjadeer » Sun Jul 12, 2009 16:00

woot! stephan here 8O

anyways, im in :)
Image thx for diamond :D

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Postby IceCreamy » Sun Jul 12, 2009 16:06

:D all sign up this is really fun! Trust me, I have already read the opening story... but I cant tell you more about that. See for yourself!

Anyways, Im not playing, since I will be on holidays 2 weeks. See! Another reason to join :P Im not here xD

Cream out :(
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Postby GoldenBullet » Sun Jul 12, 2009 16:14

Time to me to step into the game once again ...
Sign me in. I am eager to win ;)

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Postby Daghel » Sun Jul 12, 2009 16:17

Lets not sign up, just to make Timon angry :wink:

Count me and my brilliant intelect in!
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Postby GoldenBullet » Sun Jul 12, 2009 16:19

Daghel wrote:Lets not sign up, just to make Timon angry :wink:

Count me and my brilliant intelect in!

intellect* :D

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Postby Daghel » Sun Jul 12, 2009 16:20

:D :D :D
intelekt, ok?
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Postby Dutchman » Sun Jul 12, 2009 16:28

me :)

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Postby Sebbel » Sun Jul 12, 2009 16:40

when does it start and how long a round takes?
sometimes you lose - sometimes the others win

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Postby Ajit » Sun Jul 12, 2009 16:41

oke tim tim

count me in :D

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Postby Sendo-san » Sun Jul 12, 2009 16:55

Count me in please :D

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Postby GoldenBullet » Sun Jul 12, 2009 16:57

Sebbel wrote:when does it start and how long a round takes?

Timon probably can answer the first, but depending on how many people we get to the game and it takes around 3 days to kill 2 persons, I would say... 2 - 4 weeks depending also who get to be the mafia ;)

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Postby Daghel » Sun Jul 12, 2009 17:22

Around 3 weeks i would say. Don't make it too extreme :D
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Postby Plastic_Jesus » Sun Jul 12, 2009 19:41

Sign me in now ! :P
S.S.Atrocity wrote:Im pretty sure Saukko will have pages worth of bugs found before anyone knows about the

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Postby Timon » Sun Jul 12, 2009 19:51

Sebbel wrote:when does it start and how long a round takes?

Mhhh...somebody's got a desire to join? That's great! :good:

I don't know the exact date yet, Sebbel. This is because people complain that they have not time, that they leave for holidays bla bla bla. Like I said I'll wait with registration for about a week, then give a day or two so that people can get acces to the forum and get familiar with new roles and old games.

When it comes to lenght, it's like Goldy and Daghel say. Of course it depends how will the situation look like, each game is different...but it's usually 2-3 weeks.

Come on peeps! Sing up! The aim is 24 players.

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Postby Daghel » Sun Jul 12, 2009 19:58

just want to add i'll be off coz of Woodstock 30.07-5.08 (around), so hurry up people.
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Postby mephir » Sun Jul 12, 2009 20:10

Of course im in. :P

But pls pls pls send PMs when game really begins. Missed voting for mayor twice. :roll:

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Postby jord » Sun Jul 12, 2009 21:05

Hey, sign me in pls, i would enjoy those funny game with u :P
btw, i newbie so, be scare of newbs!!! ;D

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Postby Ammz » Sun Jul 12, 2009 21:30

Why am I not on the list? Pfff :P Sign me up!
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Postby davies » Sun Jul 12, 2009 21:50

just count me in;)

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Postby flow » Sun Jul 12, 2009 22:23

why did you ask from us that do we join again if you dont sign up us automatically :(

im in :D
this time mafia prepare to die :twisted:
[ǝʌɐS-ԀX] 2# uoɹpɐnbS ǝɯ!ɹԀ Ⅎo uǝℲ


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Postby Daghel » Sun Jul 12, 2009 22:47

Delate Ammz request plz.
He'll again make a suicide :roll:
No reason to play with him.

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Postby Buu » Sun Jul 12, 2009 23:06

i won;t be v.activ but sing me in btw : innos r overpowered!
you say joe bros - i say Green Day
you say lil Wayne - i say Linkin Park
you say snoop dog- i say Bullet For My Valentine
you say britney- i say sum 41
you say soulja boy- i say blink 182
you say rap- i say LISTEN TO REAL MUSIC
you say pop- i say ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Postby Ajit » Sun Jul 12, 2009 23:22

Daghel wrote:Delate Ammz request plz.
He'll again make a suicide :roll:
No reason to play with him.


totally agree xD

btw, who allowed daghel to play this game? this nasty mafia was lieing previous game. never seen so much lies. !ban daghel


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