Forum timezone back at GMT

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Forum timezone back at GMT

Postby warren-the-ape » Tue Nov 21, 2006 16:42

I always noticed that the time at the forum was completely wrong,
this was because it was setted at a standard of GMT +10.

Its now back to the standard GMT
unfortunately the time you entered in your profile will stay the same.

    How to switch it back to your Timezone:

    1. Go to 'your profile'

    2. Scroll down to the Timezone box (almost at the bottom)

    3. Check which Timezone you are living in -
    (Germany & Netherlands are for instance GMT +1)

    4. Enter your Timezone

    5. At the box below 'Date format' change it to; D M d, Y G:i (click on the date() link for more info)

After this posting/topic times will match your local time :)
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