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Postby Dutchman » Tue Oct 06, 2009 11:53

well for those who dont now the game yet here are the rules:

The Innocent roles

You are the Detective. During each night you may select any one person to investigate and if you survive the night I will tell you what their role is. You may send me your PM at any time during the day or night, but I must receive it by 22 PM or you will investigate no one. Obviously, it is better if you can wait until night so that you can make the smartest decision. Use this strong power well. The town is counting on you

You are the Doctor. During each night you may select one person to protect and that person will not die if they are the target of the mafia attack. You may protect yourself if you wish. You can protect somebody from a Mafia/vigilante hit, but not from the town decision's kill. Use this strong power well. The town is counting on you

You are the Vigilante. Once and only once during the game, you may send me a PM and say that you elect to kill any one other player. If you are still alive that night, you will sneak out to their house and kill them. You are an innocent, so you should choose someone you strongly believe to be mafia. However, you only get one chance to perform this action, so you have to act before you are killed.

Innocent Bystander *updated abilities*
You are an Innocent Bystander. You have the ability to stumble into a Mafia meeting once during the game. You decide when. If the Mafia plan a hit, you will get the name of one Mafia member. But be careful! If Mafia is performing no actions that night (no kill, no abilities), You will get no name and your ability is lost. Aim well, the town is counting on you.

You are Bulletproof. You are protected from normal Mafia hit. You are not safe from Vigilante or Hitman hit. You can off course be lynched by the townsvote, just like everybody else. Use this strong power well. The town is counting on you

A special innocent. Since a child he/she has been talking with the dead and practiced dark arts.
Skill: -The only person who is allowed to talk with the dead
- Can hypnosize the mod to say what ever ONE dead person wants to say ONCE IN A DAY
-> The channeler says the mod which dead guy is allowed to give the message -> Mod receives the message -> Mod does silly dance and announces it in the main chatter.

You are one handsome lawyer who has just graduated from Harvard.
You have the ability to once every day send me a PM with a name of a guy you would like to protect. So one vote against him is cancelled and maybe you will be able to save him from getting lynched.

You are the magical reviver. Using your voo-doo abilities you can resurrect one player from death. Unluckly you're not at a master level and you reviving abiliety is not so perfect. You choose to resurrect one player but his personality will be choosen from all the dead players and randomly resureccted by the narrator. Reviving is a very powerful ability, but also dangerous if you will resurrect a mafioso. Abracadabra!!

Masons are members of ancient group where every member knows each other. They are also allowed to invite one more member to their pack, but they cannot know if their chosen one is a mafioso or innocent. Its
all about the instinct.

You are barman from local tavern. Your booze is strong enough to make anyone dizzy and easy to manipulate. ONCE in a game you can make ONE person to halt using his power or even change the target, but only for ONE NIGHT.

You are Martyr. Once in a game you can sacrifice yourself to the mafia OR
mob to save someone else.

When sacrificing yourself to mob: You will PM the host who you want to protect via your act. If he gets majority and time hits the deadline, you will die and he will be saved.

When sacrificing yourself to mafia: You will PM the host when you want to save someone. If the mafia/hitman plans a hit, you will die and rescue the target. The person you saved will be revealed.

You are rich and famous person. Also well know by everyone. Once during the game You are able to reveal Your role. You decide when. You are the only one who can do it. Then town people are sure - You are innocent. You have the authority. Use your power wisely.

You are high ranked policeman. You have acces to records. You can ONCE in the whole game read one person's files and get info about that person (name+role+actions performed by this person and on this person). You can choose a person who is already dead if You wish. Remember that if You manage to use Your ability on 2 particular roles, You'll get more info:
-reading Detective's files: getting know his invastigations (names+roles),
-reading Silencer's files: getting know names of all people silenced.

You are an experienced protector. You can choose one player at the beginning od the game who will be immune from Hitman attack. However Hitman will NOT lose his ability after failing to kill that person. This is all about luck and instinct.
What's more You can't be Bribed or Silenced. However if You decide to vote when silenced, mafia can spot you.

You're a dead person, but no one knows it yet. You are allowed to talk to people as much as you want and vote without fear of getting killed, but if you get lynched or killed, you loose your ability to vote. However dead cant die twice, so you are still allowed to talk on the main topic and your role will be revealed. Ghost-role cannot be bribed, protected by Doctor, given AIDS by Prostitute. When you can't vote anymore, eliminating you is not necessary for Mafia to win.

You are a reporter. You value speech freedom. That is why you can EVERY night send PM to narrator which will include what you have to say. Mafia can't shut your mouth because they don't know who you are. What is more you can interview whoever you want during the game. You may ask 3 questions, and at least one will be answered with the truth.

You will know when the Prostitute uses ability, and once it is used you get to know the name of the person who is Prostitute. But be careful: if Prostitute uses her ability on you, you will die.

Construction Worker
You are working for a construction company, that is specialized in demolishing mafia's hideout and putting new meeting rooms for innocents there instead. ONCE in the whole game, you can crush the mafia's hideout and prevent ONE of them from using his ability. If mafia plan on preforming any action, you will succeed.

You are a very strange person. You are like a riddle-man. You are immune to EVERY action of ANY role except the lynch power and normal mafia hit. So if somebody chooses to use his ability on you, he won't be able to do it. He will get a message like: You can't perform actions on this player. Then this person knows who you are.

You are so incredibly quick, you can once in the game run away from NORMAL mafia attack. However you will automatically use your ability, and you will be so tired after you used your ability you cant use it again. But hey, maybe the mafia think you are the Doctor or the Bulletproof, and they will not hit you again.

Whenever you want, you may choose ONE of the following abilities. If you use one, the others will be forever gone, and you cannot use them anymore.

Truth Elixir - he will get the role of his target. (without any other information, like when and on who he used abilities)
Love Elixir - He can convince one innocent with it that he's innocent. Of course, with bad luck he'll give his role to mafia...
Elixir of Camouflage - something like self-forger, but at innocents side. He can choose that his role after death will be revealed by narrator as any role, alive or dead role.

Once in the game, you can check if the Forger has used his ability. You will find out, and it will be made public by the Narrator. Just send me a PM when you want to use your ability, and I will do it.

Every night, you can send me a PM with a name of a person you would like to protect from getting hit by the Pyro.

Once in the game, you can send me a PM with a name of a person that you would like to tell his role in public. I will announce the role and the name of that person, so everyone knows what role he has. But, be careful, you might hit an important innocent role, and that would mean trouble for you and the other innocents!

You are an Innocent. You are trying to root out the mafia from your midst and live out a peaceful life free of crime and danger. Good luck to you.

The Mobster roles

You are a member of the mafia. Your goal is to completely dominate PSland by murdering and tricking the innocents until they no longer outnumber you. Use Pm's to discuss your hits with your Mobster friends

A special mafioso.
Everytime mafia plans a strike, harp throws dice. If the number is 1, our sloppy will do a fatal error (like leaving a napkin in the crime area) and is revealed as a mafioso, but NOT killed.

You are Hitman. You are part of the Mafia and take part of all the decision making. You can however take right into you own hands once during the game and PM me with a name to be killed. Your hit is too sneaky for the Bulletproof's armour, so you can kill him, unlike the regular Mafia hits.

You are the torture.
Your ability is to one night take things in your own hands and break into an innocent's house and torture him/her until they reveal their real identity (role).

Briber *updated abilities*
You are a Briber. You can bribe EVERY role but only ONCE. That means you can stop somebody from using his ability or change his target. But be careful! If the person You want to bribe is NOT using his ability at that time, the bribery will FAIL and You can't do it again on the same person. If you bribe the Detective, you can choose: You can make him tell you what he has found out via investigation OR halting his acts for one night.

You are one HOT girl and the prostitute of this Town.
You work with the mafia.
You're diagnosed with HIV and can therefore infect a citizen with your disease.
If you infect a citizen with a special role this citizen will loose his ability for ever and become an innocent. (If a Mayor is infected then he loses both: his normal role and Myaor role).
If you infect an innocent, nothing will happen.
If you choose for some weird reason to infect a fellow mafiosi this mafiosi will die.
You can do this ONCE in the game.

Silencer *updated abilities*
You are the silencer. With your steroid muscle body and a lot of gunpower you are able to scare the Prime-Squadron spirit out of any PSland citizens.
Therefore you can make them incapable of voting for 1 day. You can do this every night. However You are NOT allowed to choose the same person TWICE in a row.

You are the mole, with your superior instinct and a lot of paranoia you know when someone is spying on you.
Therefore the Detective can not find out who you really are...
A member of the Mafia.
If an innocent bystander uses his ability and the dice roles on your name you WILL be busted.

You are a skillful Forger. Your skill is to make up evidence of false role. In other words when someone dies you can decide which role will be shown in the player list. For example: Lawyer dies and Forger decides that Lawyer will be shown as Detective. You can even fake Your own role death!

You are a chunky guy who likes to mess around. You can beat one person and eleminate from voting during the day and using his ability at night. What is more Doctor is forced to protect that person. However Doctor get's the name of the person he's healing.

Every night, you have two possibilities:

1. You can burn down someone's house, to make him unable to vote, but able to speak.
2. You can burn down someone's house, to make him unable to speak, but able to vote.

You may not use your ability twice on one night, or use your ability twice in a row on the same person. Example:
In night 1 you send PM to Narrator, saying: I want to make IceCreamy unable to speak.
In night 2 you may not use either ability on IceCreamy.
In night 3 you send PM to Narrator, saying: I want to make IceCreamy unable to vote.
In the rest of the nights, you cannot use your ability on IceCreamy anymore.

Special role

Mayor *updated abilities*
You are the Mayor of this town.
Therefore you are able to vote twice when lynching someone. The Mayor sends his secret vote to the Narrator who will then add it in the Game when counting votes. The other vote you can, just as everyone else, put in the game. Mayor is elected before the game begins by PM voting. Mayor can name his successor in case he dies or gets infected by Prostitute. If he doesn't, new voting will take place. Both: Innocent and Mafioso can be a Mayor.

Play proceeds as follows:

Each participant gets their role assigned via PM. Mafia players are advised who the other mafioso are. Mafia players are permitted to interact with each other via PM, innocents may only interact in public on the posted thread. Mafia players will, of course, also post on the public thread as well.

The game has 2 phases, "night" and "day". Typically 24 hours each (to allow enough time for infrequent posters). But previous games showed that one phase can even last for 3 normal days.

During the "night" phase of the game, the mafia will send me PMs indicating which innocent they intend to kill during that round of play. The mafia's victim will be selected by majority vote. If they are dumb enough not to have a majority in their PMs, then no innocent will be killed on that turn. However it might happen that other roles actions will prevent mafia from doing their kill. For example: mafia will fail to kill somebody protected by the Doctor. Roles which can use their abilities may send their PMs both at night and during the day. Effects which should be shown to publicity will be included in stories posted at the beginning of every phase.

Once I posted the results of the PMs, the "day" phase of the game begins. During the day phase, the players who are still alive discuss who they think might be a mafioso and vote for someone to kill. The mafioso are posing as innocents during the day and they also vote with the innocents. A majority of votes is required to reach a decision. If there are 15 innocents alive, then 8 people must vote for the same person in order to "lynch" them. When the person is lynched, I will reveal if they were innocent or mafia and we will begin the cycle again at the top.

Once a player is "dead", he can no longer post anything of substance to the thread. Exception is a Ghost role.

In slower moving forums, the "day" phase is usually indicated at a specific time each day. In faster moving ones, it ends when a plurality is reached. We'll see how it goes, but we'll probably target one round per 24 hours.

The game ends when the innocents have lynched all the mafia players or the mafia have killed enough innocents that the innocents can no longer muster enough votes to lynch any mafia players.

You should check the game as much as possible, inactivity for more then 4 days will be punished with a 'death from above' (like suicide, car accident, overdose... )

Posting pm's from me to you is strictly forbidden. Violation of this rule will lead to direct elimination.

In the contrary:
- Unnecessary role revelation will result DEATH This means telling your role/lieng you role without being getting voted out by majority is NOT ALLOWED.
- You ARE ALLOWED to tell your role/lie your role if you are being voted out by majority (>50% of votes are to lynch you out)

2 new rules:

Silencing fellow mafia is now allowed. From now one poeple claiming themselves to be silenced are not 100% innocents.

If I receive 2 or more PMs with opposing actions ( fe: Hitman going to kill innocent and Vigilant going to kill Hitman) the action included in EARLIER PM will be performed as FIRST. So keep in mind to send me a PM rather than waiting for me at xfire

Please note that: Posts wont be visible in homepage so dont forget to check the subforum itself.

If you got some general questions just post them here and i ll be happy to answer.

now for my uber editing skillz... :
1. Icecreamy
2. Spyhawk
3. Flowerpower
4. Falbik
5. Dagnab
6. Saukko
7. Fantomas
8. Neji
9. Wenszy
10. Davies
11. Goldenbullet
12. Timon
13. Harpix
14. Sard101
15. Skippy
16. Garfield
17. Wazzup
18. LaZerByte
19. Ammz

Closing sign ups at the end of the way somewhere tomorrow :P
Last edited by Dutchman on Sat Oct 10, 2009 15:28, edited 11 times in total.

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Postby IceCreamy » Tue Oct 06, 2009 12:36

I have a question: Can I play :D:D:D

All join, this is gonna be great!
My Skype account: IceCreamChris
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Postby Spyhawk » Tue Oct 06, 2009 12:45

Sign me in ;)

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Postby FlowerPower » Tue Oct 06, 2009 13:14

me too!!

P.S. Mafia not Maffia :D

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Postby FALBIK » Tue Oct 06, 2009 13:22

ekhmmmm ... why not ..... but this time i cant be INNOCENT ?
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Postby Daghel » Tue Oct 06, 2009 13:57


Dutchnab is the new narrator?

just lol... :D

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Postby Plastic_Jesus » Tue Oct 06, 2009 14:12

Hell yea I'm in.
S.S.Atrocity wrote:Im pretty sure Saukko will have pages worth of bugs found before anyone knows about the

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Postby BOWDOWN » Tue Oct 06, 2009 14:43

Can i propose Sebbel for the role of prostitute ? :lol:

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Postby FALBIK » Tue Oct 06, 2009 15:06

BOWDOWN wrote:Can i propose Sebbel for the role of prostitute ? :lol:

buahahahahhahhha ... chance like 1:10000
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Postby fantomas » Tue Oct 06, 2009 15:45

Yep fomok join ... :)

Image <3

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Postby IceCreamy » Tue Oct 06, 2009 15:47

BOWDOWN wrote:Can i propose Sebbel for the role of prostitute ? :lol:

lol, why do you insult Sebbel xD Well, then I feel free to make you the Construction Worker xD
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Postby -Neji- » Tue Oct 06, 2009 16:32

Count me in nab :P

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Postby wenszy » Tue Oct 06, 2009 16:36

i want to take part , curious how it goes... i gonna read the rules but can someone also add me on msn... so can explain..

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Postby BOWDOWN » Tue Oct 06, 2009 16:51

IceCreamy wrote:
BOWDOWN wrote:Can i propose Sebbel for the role of prostitute ? :lol:

lol, why do you insult Sebbel xD Well, then I feel free to make you the Construction Worker xD

If you would know him as i do, you would not take it as an inuslt :). Ok , now i stop spaming here :P .

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Postby davies » Tue Oct 06, 2009 17:05

Count me in, <3

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Postby IceCreamy » Tue Oct 06, 2009 17:08

wenszy wrote:i want to take part , curious how it goes... i gonna read the rules but can someone also add me on msn... so can explain..

my junkmail is

I see you are Dutch, I will add you xD It makes explaining a lot easier for me :)
Last edited by IceCreamy on Tue Oct 06, 2009 17:12, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Dutchman » Tue Oct 06, 2009 17:12

bowdown you play the game to or not? :P

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Postby GoldenBullet » Tue Oct 06, 2009 17:18

Count me in. Always nice to die young.

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Postby Timon » Tue Oct 06, 2009 17:37

Going to eat more clothing :)

Me in!

Chris wrote:I have a question: Can I play

All join, this is gonna be great!

He was the first one to sing... I bet he was checking General Discussion 10 times a day :P

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Postby IceCreamy » Tue Oct 06, 2009 18:19

Timon wrote:Going to eat more clothing :)

Me in!

Chris wrote:I have a question: Can I play

All join, this is gonna be great!

He was the first one to sing... I bet he was checking General Discussion 10 times a day :P

Yes, ofc, I have no life so I always do it :) I will tell you how I sat at my chair:

1. Click F5
2. Browse some other sites.
3. Get back to PS site and click F5 again,
4. Get angry for the subscription topic for mafia game 11 not being here yet
5. Hit F5 again
6. Go to the next class and be bored again
7. Get back to media centre, start up PC, go to PS site and then I made post that I wanted to play again :P

I hope you all liked it, this is a good mentality for this game xD Be prepared to lose some time :)

@Dutchy I would like to be innocent, ok :) I want to kill mafia :twisted: Also, keep track of all people playing, I want to see how many people more join xD
My Skype account: IceCreamChris
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Postby Dutchman » Tue Oct 06, 2009 19:20

roles will be random :P

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Postby -Neji- » Tue Oct 06, 2009 19:26

AND IF SOMEBODY WILL NOT PLAY THE GAME FFS I WILL KICK HIS ASS _-_ If you want to play PLAY THE GAME and dont be offline :<

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Postby BOWDOWN » Wed Oct 07, 2009 3:16

Dutchman wrote:bowdown you play the game to or not? :P

Nope , but hope you will count my proposal for sebbel :).

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Postby Dutchman » Thu Oct 08, 2009 19:13

GIEF more sign ups

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Postby Harpix » Fri Oct 09, 2009 0:48

fomok reporting for duty.
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