Do you ever feel you can't hit ?
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Do you ever feel you can't hit ?
Do you ever feel that you can't hit properly in ET ? I certainly do 

i encounter those moments as well. specially when i change from nq to etpro from time to time. or when im just tired. basically i summarized it like this: if u have bad reflects irl at a certain time, then u most likely sux at aiming, even if u feel u have good gameeye.
other thing can be, that the server/player just lags and bullets wont get where they're supposed to in time
other thing can be, that the server/player just lags and bullets wont get where they're supposed to in time

eLemenT wrote:I have that sooo often..
Good day -> 40+ Acc
Bad day 35- 33-.. after some time maybe 30..
That changes randomly..
I have exactly same. But though I may have even 50 acc when good day buty really rarely. But still I don't think that I couldn't hit because I hit when I hit.
S.S.Atrocity wrote:Im pretty sure Saukko will have pages worth of bugs found before anyone knows about the
- GoldenBullet
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I have the same feeling and still have most HS. Funny thing, I guess everyone has the same problem when I do.
you need good concentration to aim well. when you are tired, you have just woken up or you're just too relaxed you are not concentrated enough and you fail at aiming.
sometimes i have situations when i totally fck up a fight or waste 100% chance of getting frag because of totally non-acurate shooting, but i know that if i was more concentrated i would do it 10 times better.
but on the other hand, sometines when my mind and concentration are in good shape and i'm warmed up well, i 'feel' the game better and do everything with ease. aiming is easier and done more automatically. my accuracy and fightning are far better than usual then
sometimes i have situations when i totally fck up a fight or waste 100% chance of getting frag because of totally non-acurate shooting, but i know that if i was more concentrated i would do it 10 times better.
but on the other hand, sometines when my mind and concentration are in good shape and i'm warmed up well, i 'feel' the game better and do everything with ease. aiming is easier and done more automatically. my accuracy and fightning are far better than usual then
- Xand3r
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RiCkY wrote:Aiy-minhg? what's that?
i play with luck ^^ don't need anything else
play with luck .. you are never online so it has to be the luck :O
just joking but come soon to ps1

Samuraii wrote:No, never got that feeling, i always have 100 % accuracy
that cause you are an cheater

GokuSan wrote:I never suck, I'm always the best.
best in what ? you didnt add anyhow i doubt big that ur the best

Joke ofcause

Yea ontopic: yea i got time by time that i cant hit any crappy thing.
but hey we all get older

make it like a Bruce
yeah, thats what i feel every single day in every single moment^^.
Than im frustrated, made some tk here some tb there or just one or two sk.
If others are better they are cheater. Thats it.
sometimes i feel better than
Than im frustrated, made some tk here some tb there or just one or two sk.
If others are better they are cheater. Thats it.

sometimes i feel better than

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