MLB Maps Laggs

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MLB Maps Laggs

Postby Montame » Sat Nov 25, 2006 11:32

Always if the MLB maps come i want to quit and play PS 2 because everytime the Maps laggs.

I hear from some other People that they have no lagg so..

Is there somthign with my Computer or Map?

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Postby Borewicz » Sat Nov 25, 2006 13:02

Try to change your graphic settings first. If it will not help write in console \com_hunkmegs 128 maybe it will help.


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Postby BliZZyX » Sat Nov 25, 2006 13:14

I had to change my hunkmegs into 256, coz i couldnt play without lags... otherwise you can read "How to boost your connection" in the PS FAQ, it helped me to decrease my ping on 20 ;)

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Postby OMWD » Sat Nov 25, 2006 13:43

:D lol hunkmegs 256 :lol:

why is that needed? i have 56 hunkmegs (still) and i don't lag.

only in the beginning off the game. this can be fixed by simply making warmup longer. but i don't know why u lag montame (maybe delete some maps from your etmain)

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Postby kica » Wed Nov 29, 2006 0:36

I had the same problem as Montame at MLB maps but it only happend DayBreak , some time ago I had played MLB Egypt and Temple and i didn't have any lags. Weird , I don't get it??Maybe I should delete this map and download it again...

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Indeed that map lags

Postby Blaster » Fri Dec 29, 2006 18:16

I have the same montane than i go spec and watch porn :P haha .

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Re: Indeed that map lags

Postby NeverMind » Fri Dec 29, 2006 18:24

I had some lag too but I think its not because those maps of MBL but its the server who's lagging. (When the server is full.)

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Postby icefrost » Fri Dec 29, 2006 18:56

mh yea but i think most time is not the server lagging, most time it's just cuz of hardware / connection from players why they have some lags. sure big maps like MLB maps make also some lags, but like they said before, try to make ur settings / connection better.

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