Nine years later...

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Nine years later...

Postby lock-kry-head » Thu Feb 23, 2017 14:23

Yep, thats right.
I have written my personal intruduction 9 years ago HERE. 8O
Also on this forum i wrote my first 'legit' post in the internet 8)

Currently, i'm 22 'studying' IT (almost penultimate semester).

I have started playing here (PS5 back then) when i was around 12/13 by invitation from -|PS|-Kju's brother.
Nicknames used (from first to latest):
Enemy Territory Code: Select all
Lock Kry Head, GHOST MASTER, #Wolfer!ne? and Wolfer1ne (First three while playing ET)

PS5, great times on etpub. Managed by three admins - Horzy, Xander and Yoyo (Funny stuff, IIRC YoYo was around 20 back then. Probably he has now family :|)
After some time playing here, i was recognized a bit by players (It worked for it :D)

Playing here had two somehow positive aspects:
- I learnt english pretty fast,
- Made my 'old-dark' days easier to dealt with.

Yep, thats right. My life situation was not the best/happier but was not worst/sad either.
Living day-to-day with ET was definitely easier (THANKS!)

I stopped playing entirely ET probably around 2011 when my friends in school showed my League of Legends (Season 2, IMO the best)
I was sad, i had no longer joy and urge to playing ET.
For me ET was dying so hard. It was painful to watch.
No game updates/innovations (Game is 2.60b, server 3.00 IIRC). Nothing more. People left game year-after-year.
After IEM Katowice 2014 i have started noobing in CSGO. Still missing ET, but i cant switch to it sadly.

Fast forward today:
Im not gonna play ET anymore probably (This game needs some rework to be enjoyable for me :|)
Trying to finish studies and making life better (making fixes etc. from 'dark-old-days')
Steps-by-steps going forward.

Certainly, i will not forget time spent here.
It was pleasure to playing here, especially when this community had 7(!) servers with a lot of active players.
Baserace map, panza/sniper wars, adre-junkie fags, XP-WHORING you named it :loller:

Thanks for everything.

Shoutouts (Taken from my config file, dated 2010-04-16):
Bassie, Editor, kOEKJE, Piegie, Lurtz, bEEbEE, holy, BaCardI, BossHK, Bra!ner, Nevzat, Vladji, Jusa, Zuurvlees, epa, damaskus and Prime Squadron Community (especially Horzy, Xander (bj|qip#!), YoYo, !cefrost, Daghel, Qwerty)

PS. Even by learning english here, it is still not perfect. Sorry for mistakes :party:

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Re: Nine years later...

Postby empy » Thu Feb 23, 2017 19:36

Welcome back home :!:

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Re: Nine years later...

Postby pompidom_23 » Fri Feb 24, 2017 2:40

I don't remember you :s It's because of weed and alcohol so totally my fault hehe ;)

Always great to see old players back!!!

Seeya at server??? :party:

Pompidom :)


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Re: Nine years later...

Postby Daghel » Fri Feb 24, 2017 13:30

Heey Wolfy!

I remember You.
Nice to have a word from You, especially after so long breake. We have a season of comebacks now in PS. Many old faces returned (me included hehe).
I also played LoL alot, stopped around half year ago, don't like the direction the game is going at (wybuchowe szyszki :roll: ). And yea, ET needs some serious rework, but i think it can be still enjoyable. Not the graphics ofc, but the gameplay/community side. Still, i hope You will find the way to the server :D
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