[HowTo] install ET on Ubuntu Linux Guide

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[HowTo] install ET on Ubuntu Linux Guide

Postby GoldenBullet » Sat Jun 09, 2007 8:50

Edit: I no longer use Ubuntu and haven't checked if this works or not anymore. Therefore this guide might be outdated.

If you are thinking about changing your windows to Linux Ubuntu or already have, but haven't managed to install ET yet, here is the guide.
1.Open your terminal
2. type: wget -c http://www.prime-squadron.com/final/dow ... 60.x86.run
3. The ET installation file is now downloading to ur PC. Wait until its loaded.
4. When the installation file has been loaded, type: sudo sh et-linux-2.60.x86.run
(if it asks password, type the password U have when U log in or root password. Depends are you root or not)
5. After some secs a installation starts. Now read carefully what you must select on each time.
6. Accept the licence(s).
7. Now DON'T install menu entries
8. Accept licenses and start the installation (Dont change the directory of the ET. Install it to primary directory, what it says.)
9. When installation is complete, it says "Installation complete! Would you like to start now?" Say No. Otherwise you must fix the right on ur PC. Hopefully not.
10. You have installed ET.
-Upgrading to 2.60b-
This is a very fast and simple way to upgrade your ET to 2.60b
1. Open terminal
2. type: wget -c http://www.prime-squadron.com/final/dow ... -linux.zip
3. After file has loaded, type: sudo unzip -oj et2.60blinux.zip *.x86 -d /usr/local/games/enemy-territory
4. And you're done!
-Menu entry-
Now you can add ET to your menu entry. It means you can then execute it from up-left corner from "Games".
1. Open terminal and type: sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/et.desktop
2. Now delete all from that file (if there is) and copy paste this:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory
Comment=Second World War multiplayer shooting game
Comment[fi]=Toiseen maailmansotaan sijoittuva verkkoräiskintä

3. Save and exit.
-Deleting ET and/or deleting installation files-
If you want to uninstall ET, or the installation files, heres how do it.

1. Open terminal and type: sudo rm -rf /usr/local/{games/enemy-territory,bin/et{,ded}} /usr/share/applications/et.desktop
2. If you want to delete ALL files of ET like maps etc, type: rm -rf ~/.etwolf

1.Open terminal
2.To remove installation file for ET, type: rm et-linux-2.60.x86.run
3. To remove 2.60b pack, type: rm et2.60blinux.zip
-Fixing sounds-
If you cannot hear any playing sounds from ET, try this.
1. Open terminal and type (dont ype a) or b). Those are 2 different commands):
a) sudo sh -c "echo 'et.x86 0 0 direct' > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss"
b)sudo sh -c "echo 'et.x86 0 0 disable' > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0c/oss"
2. Try ET now.
3. If that worked, put those commands in permanent use. Type: sudo gedit /etc/rc.local
4. Add those two commands BEFORE last line, exit 0.
5. Save and exit.

For alternative way, scroll down for Spyhawk's post.
-Retrieving ETkey-
If you have a backup from ur ETkey on a disc, heres how you put it back in use.
1. Go to your homedirectory
2. Press ctrl + h
3. Invisible directories should now be seen. Now find .etwolf
4. Go to ETmain directory and put the key there.
You have now your old ETkey in right directory, and you should have all your levels back, unless you haven't played for a long time and they have been erased for some another reason. Consult your nearest High admin in this case :P
You will automatically load maps from server with right settings, but manually you do it like this:
1. Download map you want to play from net. Possibly unzip it if its in .zip file
2. Go to the .etwolf directory (look above to see where it is)
3. Move your map to the ETmain directory where every other map is. Just like in windows!
-PB updating-
One way to update pb. This is via pbweb. This works if you have Violation "game integrity" #20006 or something like that.
1. Open console
2. Now type: chmod +x /folder_to_et/pb/pbweb.x86 (usually the ET folder is in /usr/local/games/enemy-territory)
3. Now execute pbweb. type: cd /folder_to_et/pb/
After that type: ./pbweb.x86
4. PB is now updating! Wait until it has ended. May take few minutes.
5. If this didnt work and U still get kicked for violation game integrity, open ET console, Alt gr + ' (in other words *) AND type: /pb_security 0
6. If it worked, put pb_security 0 to ur autoexec.cfg
Alternative PB updating
1. Open console and type: wget http://websec.evenbalance.com/downloads ... bsetup.run
2. After loaded, type: sudo chmod a+x pbsetup.run && ./pbsetup.run
-> If the program wont execute, U are probably missing an important
2.1) type (in console): sudo apt-get install upx-ucl
2.2) After loaded and installed, type: sudo upx -d pbsetup.run && ./pbsetup.run
3. Accept all licenses
4. Press "Add game" and choose ET.
5. Press "Check for updates"
6. You should be now able to play on PB servers. Also, try pb_security 0 for just in case!
-Making ET sounds and music work at the same time-
The problem is that ET uses OSS and your music uses ALSA. Solution: Make ET use ALSA. I didnt have this problem in the past, but for some reason I do now.

1. Follow instructions in this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=362231
1.a: Download the lib
1.b: Download the file
2. Open the file you just downloaded (most probably in your home directory) with a texteditor.
3. Find and replace # GAME_PATH=" " to GAME_PATH="path_to_your_ET_folder"
-> For exsample: GAME_PATH="/home/ETplayer/enemy-territory"
4. Run ET with command ./et-sdl-sound in your console
This should work.
Hope that helped ya!
Last edited by GoldenBullet on Thu May 31, 2012 19:31, edited 21 times in total.

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Postby Stormcrow » Sat Jun 09, 2007 10:52

:good: Nice Work

Would be nice if that could be stickyfied :)
Pls Foxxy, teach me how to "master-bait" :-P

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Postby Spyhawk » Mon Jun 18, 2007 23:27

I think we need to add this on the FAQ (or maybe write a special FAQ for Linux, with all tip and trick, like sound through SDL library which is better as the "echo /proc/asound/.." tip - You can also play Amarok and have ET sound in the same time - , ETminimizer under Linux, ...).

I can write install guide for openSUSE too (which is applicable to all RPM distribution I think)

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Postby GoldenBullet » Wed Jun 20, 2007 7:59

Added Xfire installation to Gaim.

Added PB updating

PB update fixed :oops:
Last edited by GoldenBullet on Sat Jul 14, 2007 19:29, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Ferocious » Thu Jun 21, 2007 13:52

Might try this i got an old pc and an ubuntu disc around 8) wasnt really a big fan of linux.

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Postby GoldenBullet » Thu Jun 21, 2007 15:05

Yep, Linux is harder to understand. At start I hated it.
Also U cant play windows games on it, such as Civilization 4, Battlefield 2 or many other new games. Also some programs dont work.

But there are other pluses: Nice graphics, Linux games, easy pack-loading system, free editors etc. And good console :D becides, U can install it between windows, so u have linux AND windows. If U install linux, then windows, windows formats linux (stupid fat microsoft)...

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Postby Rukkanen » Fri Jun 29, 2007 17:23

I didnt know its that hard Linux is Maybe Good but it Looks Weird.... and its harder to gt good games for it..

PS. Thanks for help. Told for friend about this :) And he has now ET !!

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Postby eXile » Fri Jun 29, 2007 17:54

Nice Rukkanen.:D
Triple post :!:
You know there is a Delete button?

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Postby GoldenBullet » Fri Jun 29, 2007 17:57

Moderator should put those tw posts in one, or rukkanen himself..
If theres any questions, I try answer them if I can.

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Postby Spyhawk » Tue Jul 24, 2007 22:29

Something _really really_ better for sound fix : et-sdl-sound !

"et-sdl-sound provides SDL-based replacement for standard OSS sound system of Enemy Territory. To put it short, et-sdl-sound is a working ALSA support hack for ET.

Since the source code of ET is not public and modifying binary directly makes game unplayable, this is accomplished via replacing standard sound system functions in runtime."

In other word : This allow ET to work as any "modern" application, and you can even use your favorite media player when you play ET (Amarok, VLC, Rhythmbox, ..).

How to install it ?

1/ D/L http://nullkey.ath.cx/~stuff/et-sdl-sou ... und.tar.gz
2/ Extract the et-sdl-sound.so file, and place it in /usr/local/enemy-territory/et-sdl-sound.so (for example)
3/ In your ~/bin directory, create a "etstart" file, which content is :

export ETSDL_SDL_LIB="libSDL_sound.so"
cd /usr/local/games/enemy-territory/
LD_PRELOAD="/usr/local/games/enemy-territory/et-sdl-sound.so" ./et.x86 +set fs_game noquarter $*

Replace "noquarter" with the name of your favorite mod (etpub, etpro, jaymod). Be sure both path are correct.

4/ Change right for this new created file (as simple user) : $ chmod 755 etstart

now, start ET : $ etstart

5/ Enjoy :)

The .so file is know to work with many distribution (Ubuntu, openSUSE, ...). If not, you can still compile the source you just d/l in the .tar.gz.
Last edited by Spyhawk on Sun Oct 21, 2007 19:26, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby GoldenBullet » Wed Oct 17, 2007 13:43

Got bored so I made PS server quick-connectors for Linux.
Windows users may search some help from
Here and Here

I removed Xfire installation to gaim, bcoz it wasnt compatible to gutsy gibbons (ubuntu 7.10) Pidgin (former gaim)

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Postby hero2zer0 » Tue Nov 20, 2007 21:21

Just to add something; I wasn't able to make the PB updater executable and update it without using super user (su)...
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Postby Spyhawk » Tue Nov 20, 2007 21:42

HOW TO enable PB on user account, to avoid PB kick for Violation ( Game Integrity #20004 ) :
See :arrow: this post.

PS: Really need to write a complete Linux FAQ with all tips.. will try to do that if I found some free time.
Last edited by Spyhawk on Sun Apr 20, 2008 14:11, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby hero2zer0 » Sat Nov 24, 2007 14:33

I guess the ATI / linux drivers are still not on par with those for windows. I get about 25% less FPS on all maps when running ET from linux which is really annoying since it gets so choppy at times whereas on windows it never drops below 30 FPS :x
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Postby Spyhawk » Sat Nov 24, 2007 14:43

Yep, ATI is crap under Linux (but I read that the last drivers are not so bad... try it!).

However, nVidia is very nice for *nux.. all the time better FPS than under windows :)

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Postby hero2zer0 » Sat Nov 24, 2007 15:34

I AM using the latest driver from ATI (8.42.3 with AIGLX). I get lower FPS even with lower settings on linux (while XP is set to high) :?
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Postby Spyhawk » Sat Nov 24, 2007 15:47

It seems that the lastes driver is 7.11 (released 21 november). Ati change numbering style to have same number with Win driver (so 7.11 is newer than 8.42.3). You can see the release note for this driver here : http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/catal ... linux.html

Other thing : I'm not sure running AIGLX (compiz-fusion / beryl enabled) with 3D accelerated apps is good... If you have such thing enabled, disable it !

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Postby hero2zer0 » Sat Nov 24, 2007 20:43

All of the eye candy is obviously not running as even that makes firefox scroll very slowly on some pages (mainly pages with flash) :cry:

EDIT: I get same results with cat 7.11. Guess I"ll leave gaming for xp then.
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Xfire Installations

Postby GoldenBullet » Sat Dec 08, 2007 14:48

Xfire installation on Gutsy Gibbon HOWTO
This installation adds Xfire to ur Pidgin multimessenger. This installation WONT work for feisty fawn! See below the instructions:
1) Download the file from here: http://gfire.sourceforge.net/snapshots/ ... 1_i386.deb

2) Execute the program and unpack it. Agree everything it says.

3) Xfire is now installed. If U are running pidgin right now, restart it.

4) Now go to the user thingy and make new one. Now choose Xfire from the list and fill in needed information.

Seems U need the Xfire installation to feisty, lets make it.

How install Xfire on feisty fawn
This installation adds Xfire to ur gaim. This installation doesnt work for gutsy gibbon!
1) Download the file http://gfire.sourceforge.net/snapshots/ ... 1_i386.deb

2) Extract (nothing special. Just press the button and agree everything)

3) Xfire installed. Now restart gaim if it was on and add ur Xfire account to the list just like MSN or IRC.

If U dont know where gaim is, look up-left corner, press the first button, choose internet and program named "gaim" If its ur first time, there should be info how add and stuff.

There U have it! As simple as that.

Edit: Just noticed that was my 880 post :D
Last edited by GoldenBullet on Sun Jan 13, 2008 11:46, edited 2 times in total.

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Postby Union » Sat Dec 08, 2007 15:15

Hm someone managed to install xfire through wine:
click click

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Postby hero2zer0 » Sat Dec 08, 2007 16:31

I just use "XQF" which is available through the Ubuntu repros (add\remove)...
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Postby Union » Sat Dec 08, 2007 19:30

Isn't XQF just a server browser?

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Postby Union » Thu Dec 27, 2007 22:36

Hm a quick question (sorry, it's completely offtopic i know, but I don't think it deserves a new thread :S ):
Which software can I use to record (or maybe convert?) my demos in ubuntu?
(i had something like xrecord in gentoo but it couldn't capture OpenGL stuff + it didn't have a sound recorder :\ )
Thx in advance :)

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Postby GoldenBullet » Sat Dec 29, 2007 17:25

I suggest U to move ur demos to windows and modify them there, coz I have no foggest idea how do it in Linux :D

I can try to search for an option thou. Ill look.

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Postby Union » Sun Dec 30, 2007 0:05

Ok I'm so ashamed right now :D
First hit on google (was I blind before or what O_o maybe a newer project or smthn...):
I'll try it out as soon as i get back to MB :D


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