[HOWTO] Catch Rulebreakers/Cheaters

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[HOWTO] Catch Rulebreakers/Cheaters

Postby Scyther » Wed Jan 23, 2008 16:23

[HOWTO] Catch Rulebreakers/Cheaters!

+ I Searched awhile and I thought there wasn't any tutorial on making catching rulebreakers/cheaters in Enemy Territory, so I made this tutorial I hope you guys like it.
+ At the -|PS|- FAQ there is an explanation how to make records, but now how to upload it, so this is a bit more detailed explanation plus screenshots.
+ I made this tutorial because, I saw two guys making an topic and asking what to do at a certain step of making vids/viewing etc. Thats the reason why I did this. =)

Useful Hints for this tutorial:
*Please note that red squares/underlined text indicates the actions in the images*
*Sometimes I made a bit unuseful step like Confirming a Screenshot/Demo, thats handy because you can check yourself when you did it right*

Table of Contents
I. [HOWTO] Catch Rulebreakers/Cheaters
{2.1}Making Records
{2.2}Uploading Records
{2.3}Viewing Records

Intro: [HOWTO] Catch Rulebreakers/Cheaters b1.1
It happens everybody once, when you are playing nice in-game and then suddenly a rulebreaker pops up! Is there anything to stop these unrespectful punks? Yes there is; make evidence!
So when you discovered a rulebreaker according to the rules of the -|PS|- Rulebook then there is two things to do; making screenshots or making demos.
Caught an cheater? Make a topic and post your demo Here its useful for the admins to tell; in which server you spotted the cheater #1 to #7.
When you spotted any bugs, typing errors, or not working images let me know, by pm'ing me.

- Deleted Orange/Yellow text. My first version had things like yellow text to do in-game and orange to do outside game, it looked chaotic.
- Fixed Urls

First version, not any updates yet.

How this guide works? Well, at each number of each step; there is an screenshot provided, telling you exactly what to do.

| {1.1}Screenshots |

1. Make a Screenshot by pressint the "Print Screen" Button, and then paste into paint to save it. See "Step One: Making Screenshot"
1.You can also use ET to make screenshots, Go to "Options" then "Controls" then you look at "Miscellaneous" and click on "Take Screenshot: [autoscreenshot]" then you can choose a key for making the screenshots.
The screenshots are been saved in this path: "C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\noquarter\screenshots", when you make a screenshot in ET you can check this by opening the console.

2. Upload images with http://imageshack.us/ see "Step Two: Uploading Screenshot" (choose the file with [1]"Browse"[/color] then host it with the [2]"Host It!" button)

3. Then use the hotlink for posting the screenshot on forum. (make sure you saved your screenshot right; example in paint, as .jpg not as .bmp! its to large to upload, see also Step Three: Hotlink for Forums)

Making Screenshots:
Step One: Making Screenshot
Step Two: Uploading Screenshot
Step Three: Hotlink for Forums

Making Screenshots in ET (Recommended):
Step One part 1: Making Screenshot in ET
Step One part 2: Confirmed Screenshot Making in ET
Step One part 3 : Screenshots Folder
Step Two: Uploading Screenshot
Step Three: Hotlink for Forums

| {2.1}Making Records |

1. For better evidence then making screenshots, record the crime; do in console /record in-game

2. Look at the name of the file left-top screen to see if its recordening.

3. Then when you got enough evidence type /stoprecord in console again.

Hints for making records:
* Go to spectator then spec the one who is a rulebreaker/cheater, then type /record in console (see screenshot)
* Don't say: Omg! a cheater/rulebreaker/sk'er or something else, that might scare him and try to leave the server, so just pretend like your being afk.

Making Demo:
Step One: Making Demo
Step Two: Confirm Demo
Step Three: Stop Recordening

| {2.2}Uploading Records |

1. Quit ET when you made your demo, then open "Program Files" (if there is your ET directory?) open "Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory" then open "noquarter" then "demos" and find your file.

2. Upload the correct ".dm_84 file" with [url]http://rapidshare.com/[/ur] (Filefront is also a good site)

3. Post the demo on forum copy the link/url and let the moderators/admins decide! (choose the file with [1]"Browse" then upload it with the [2]"Upload" button)

Uploading Demo:
Step One: Find Demo Folder
Step Two part one: Upload at Rapidshare
Step Two part two: Wait when fully uploaded!
Step Three: Copy the url and post on forum

*Note: Sorry, the internet pages are in dutch, but you now what to do right.*
*Another Note: At "Step Three: Copy the url and post on forum" the orange underlined url is useful, maybe you want to delete the demo later*

| {2.3}Viewing Records |

1. Click "Save" and save the demo in your "C:\Program Files\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\noquarter\demos" folder. (You have to wait for the "Download Ticket" on the site and you need to type a code in a box to get the download.)

2. Then Start ET, load the noquarter mod (with the 'Load mod' button) then click 'replays' and click the file then "View" to view it. (or you can use avi/wmv programs to view the .dm_84 files)

Viewing Records:
Step One: Save the demo in the correct folder
Step Two part one: Load the Correct Mod
Step Two part two: Load the Correct Mod
Step Three part one: View the Demo
Step Three part two: View the Demo

Bugs? Typing Errors? Feel free to PM me! (Moderators/Admins may change the text)

Made By Scyther (c)

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Postby SoulSaverNL » Wed Jan 23, 2008 17:59

Nice ! :D You made it by yourself? :)
Its verry usefull for the people who don't know ;)


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Postby Scyther » Thu Jan 24, 2008 18:57

95% made by me, some screenshots are googled.
and thanks for the one for editing an better suitable title. :)

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Postby stephan » Thu Jan 24, 2008 19:27

is it maybe possible to make this nice howtos to sticky that they dont got lost after some days

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Postby Sebbel » Thu Jan 24, 2008 19:50

and perhaps copy into "caught a cheater" section
sometimes you lose - sometimes the others win

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