X-avier abusing his rights.

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X-avier abusing his rights.

Postby devilindisguise » Sun Feb 17, 2008 19:12

5 minutes ago I have been kicked/baned by Xavier.Reason:kicked by admin.
I was on 15 killing spree,and some player like rur said that I'm SKing.It's not the first time when he's writing me PM's like fu** off etc. after I kill him.I said him that's not even SK.He said like 2 times again that I'm SK.after that I was a little bit angry,so I told him : that's not SK,idiot.
Xavier warned me:No bad words in game or something like that.
I didn't said anything to Xavier just I told: I'm scared. :O .then I have been kicked.

No screenshots,no demos,just he knows what I'm talking about.

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Postby Pancake » Sun Feb 17, 2008 19:20

what server was it? if it was a noquater server u find in your noquater folder a file: client open this and search the keywords this is everything what writtien down while u was at server ;)
stopped playing et. now lurking csgo. find me on steamcommunity with /id/pancookie1

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Postby devilindisguise » Sun Feb 17, 2008 19:41

rur^7: ^2sk

18:58:48 ^1KILLING SPREE! ^*^6cheap^5sex ^*^dis ^2Dominating^d! ^d(^315 ^dkills in a row!)

18:59:06 rur^7: ^2cheap sk

18:59:10 ^6cheap^5sex^7: ^2its not sk idiot.

18:59:14 rur^7: ^2fu

18:59:24 ^p-|^1P^_S^p|->>^1X^_avie^1r^p<<^7: ^2!warn cheap bad words

18:59:24 ^dwarn: ^7^6cheap^5sex ^9was warned^7

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Postby X-avier » Sun Feb 17, 2008 19:45

I said i will kick you if you keep saying idiot, or something in that taste.. and you said : :o im scared.

I won't tolerate such arrogant attitude, so be glad it was an kick;)
Last edited by X-avier on Sun Feb 17, 2008 19:48, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby devilindisguise » Sun Feb 17, 2008 19:45

18:59:26 Xavier: ^2next time kick

18:59:28 Xavier: ^2and if i see you sk ban

18:59:29 Cheap: ^2Thanks!

18:59:36 Cheap: ^2im scared :O

18:59:40 Xavier: ^2!kick cheap

Sorry for double post,just some problems while copying.Anyway I didn't insult you and I didn't said anything bad for you.Should I'll be scared of you and after some word you don't like to heard be kicked?

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Postby soulblade » Sun Feb 17, 2008 20:08

Seems pretty clear, you provcate him so you deserved this kick...

BTW and not that completly off topic : I was undecover this afternoon (totally undercover, no level when !listplayers) and it was such a mess... SK, constant un-even teams, regulars (and here I'm talking about lvl 4+) talking their own languages, insults, TK, admins online doing nothing (but that's another problem), etc... You guys make me laugh, you always act as tiny and sweet little players when I'm online and completly rulebreak when admins are absent/aren't reacting... including you cheapsex !!! But unluckily for you I'm not blind nor idiot and be sure that mesures will be taken against rulebreakers...

So back on topic, if I were you I won't whine for just a kick when I deserve a way harder punishement...

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Postby X-avier » Sun Feb 17, 2008 20:17

To conclude * the on topic part of souly *

And to repeat my previous post, be glad it was just a kick.
Because you're arrogant attitude is not very populair.. and just to add ye im maybe a bit tough but someone has to be.

Grtz Xavier and can be locked ;)

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Postby devilindisguise » Sun Feb 17, 2008 20:27

Thank god it was just a kick.I was really bad,thanks for your goodness,I'm Really sorry. :o


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Postby warren-the-ape » Sun Feb 17, 2008 20:30

devilindisguise wrote:Thank god it was just a kick.I was really bad,thanks for your goodness,I'm Really sorry. :o

And for some reason you don't sound very convincing.. :roll:
X-avier was 100% correct, what you said could only be interpreted as a provocation.

Hope this was a nice wake-up call for ya.

/Locking up
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