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Postby BamBoSzeK » Sun Sep 21, 2008 20:46

he warn me for no reason on ps3, he said i jumped over the wall to escort truck while the truck was already escorted and i was a medic not engi :| the gate was blown etc ... when we played few hours before he do the same and i told that to him so he said its allowed cause he dont do obj ... so wtf ? Me, Archi and many other ppl on ps3 try to keep ppl play with rules but sometimes some "admins" come and they think they r Gods or something :| i ask one more time WTF? :| PS is a really good place to play but because of that kind of situations its .... not fair

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Postby MissFits » Sun Sep 21, 2008 20:51

Hey as i said i would come here to discuss this.
First, how am i abusing my powers? i didnt kick you or ban you or anything, all i did was say that your not allowed to jump over the wall to do the object. I warned you twice for this, on one occasion you was escorting the truck, which is actually trickjumping for objective.
Second, i also warned the engi for tj and he said sorry, why couldnt you also say sorry? Maybe you didnt mean to escort the truck but thats what i saw.

This isnt really something to report about, its not that big a deal as i only warned you and asked you nicely, but some players do get funny about this.


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Postby BamBoSzeK » Sun Sep 21, 2008 21:09

ohhh come on... U were acting like noone... because of ppl like U i get banned to ps1 more than year ago ... for nothing... i dont insult, i obey rules but ppl like got always some problems... and U get mad after U start to lose.... shame

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Postby MissFits » Mon Sep 22, 2008 2:05

Sorry but i dont completey understand this, you came here because i warned you of trickjumping. What has that got to do with loosing against you? Looking back at the scores i beg to differ. Maybe follow the rules at ps3 and you wont end up facing the same fate you did at PS1. Close this thread.


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Postby BamBoSzeK » Mon Sep 22, 2008 12:44

U warned me for no reason so thats why i came here... and it got to it because u warned Me after u start losing, If U were winning U will not be giving warns... anyway, next time i will make demo of U, so watch U`re self when im online... Closing....

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Postby deep » Mon Sep 22, 2008 13:04

personal dander...

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Postby DeXt3R » Mon Sep 22, 2008 13:43

i want say that Bambo (like i call him :)) is good player, who respect rulebook, and more then respect he is guarding rules... many times when we play together we write some of rules, for example we write about english in main chat, no sk, tk... We trying to do ps#3 more comfortable to play :D

and one more thing what i want say that i never saw that he break any rule of our ps3 rulebook

sry for english
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Postby MissFits » Mon Sep 22, 2008 14:53

Understandable Archi, i know you and bambo follow the rules but sometimes people need reminding. Bambo you dont seem to understand that even if i was "loosing" you were still breaking the rules in which i only warned you for. This isnt such a big deal.

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Postby warren-the-ape » Mon Sep 22, 2008 21:13

BamBoSzeK wrote:anyway, next time i will make demo of U

You should have started with that before you opened this topic :)

Without any additional info (screenshots, demo's) its close to impossible for us to judge who's right and who's wrong. At the moment its your word against Dempz' about something that shouldn't be discussed here in the first place.

I don't see why you guys couldn't talk this over at the server, PM, xfire etc.

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