Grand Theft Auto IV

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Postby GoldenBullet » Wed Dec 31, 2008 11:42

14 GB < 1 TB
Unfortunantely I dont play GTA series.

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Postby nick » Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:06

@ golden why not???

ive got gta IV on my pc, but it is boring as hell with an fps that is below 10 ( or at least, it takes ages to walk and stuff...) nd in the storyline i havent got much further than the first date to go bowling with my chick...

i think the game is way too heavy for most pc's cause i cant say my pc is a bad pc ( 2gb ram, 2core duo processor ) but still i cant play it on lowest settings, and the graphics itself are extremely ugly in these settings --> blocks everywhere, imagine a picture you enlarge a few times...

for the rest what i've seen of the game is that i like the police system very much, no more useless police shootings who all come out of nowhere (and you could shoot a thousand of them and they still bump into you from around every corner) here it is imo more realistic. but as said, my performances are so low it aint fun to play so...

anyways could it help to clean up my pc to play gta4? like clearing up my hard-disk?

grtz nick

ow and gta:SA has a setting i like less, i think gta:VC 's storyline is the best :)

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Postby Xand3r » Wed Dec 31, 2008 15:31

yea its rlly cool (if it works :lol: )Lol)


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